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To Do's For When You Don't Know What To Do | A List

In the last HDIRL: Roundtable Podcast episode around liminal spaces Natalie shared about a beautiful poem by David Wagoner called Lost and the analysis on Poetry Unbound… more on this to come in the next episode. Afterward this list poured out of me, in the dark, in the middle of the night, into my phone notes.

  1. Stop trying to be “found” or escape the unknown.

  2. Decondition. Disconnect from homogenized ideas, societal stories, limiting belief systems, stale mental set points, trapped emotions…

  3. Empty Out Not Self.

  4. Clear clutter. Clean out your closets, your drawers, your car, your backpack, your wallet, the car console, your phone contacts, your photos, your playlists. Release remnants of former selves. Cut tethers to old versions. Make space.

  5. Explore where you are in the world with new eyes.

  6. Align with your correct Determination + Environment.

  7. Stop fighting where you are and amplify the ways you are already who you are becoming.

  8. Celebrate wins, of when you were manifesting where you are now.

  9. Align yourself with habits the next version of yourself would do.

  10. Amplify the feelings you desire in the ways they currently exist in your life.

  11. Go to places where you feel inspired. Connect to resonant community.

  12. Work on your own vibration. Raise it. Become an aligned magnet.

  13. Turn “problems” into projects.

  14. Focus on cleaning up “your side of the street”.

  15. Work on your Emotional Hygiene.

  16. Control what you can control and turn the rest over to something bigger than you, even if it’s just your Higher Consciousness.

  17. Take next level care of yourself. Nourish. Build your life force energy. Strengthen your nervous system.

  18. Practice Sadhana every day.

  19. Get to know yourself better. What are your preferences of the Now?

  20. Fix little things that have been bugging you and will make your life more easeful.

  21. Practice receiving. Grow your capacity.

  22. Inquire with your subconscious.

  23. Release barriers to your becoming.

  24. Nurture your inner child. Play!

  25. Hunt for beauty in your life and things to be grateful for.

  26. Check in: are you focused on being lost, on that feeling, rather than the energy you want to move into?

  27. Follow your joy. Do stuff just for the sake of doing it, because you enjoy it. Make things no one will ever see for the joy of the process.

  28. Practice following your Strategy + Authority in small ways. Strengthen your intuitive muscle.

  29. Take the next right resonant action even if you can’t see the subsequent steps ahead.

  30. Move towards your emotional theme in your Design.

  31. Move up the Emotional Guidance Scale.

  32. Transmute Shadows to Gifts.

  33. Shift your perspective. Reframe where needed. Find a new way of seeing. Change your lens.

  34. Learn something new. Dive down a rabbit hole that excites you. Follow sparks.

  35. Move if you’ve been standing still too long, stand still if you’ve been moving too long.

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