The Collective is a portal.
A big part of my journey in this life is to bring others into greater authenticity. To aid in going from depleted to fueled, from trying to force and will your way through life to softening back into your unique powers + strengths. The Collective is a pathway to greater sovereignty. Maybe the most important thing you can be doing during this time as we move into a new paradigm is to learn who you came here to be… and then to take what you’re learning and breathe it into the cells of your being. To make the intangible tangible. To alchemize low vibrations high. To move from burnout + hustle to ease + flow. To find what gives you MEANING and ease. To tap into your unique success + prosperity codes + concretize your desires on to the Earth plane. To take it from your mind and INTO THE EXPERIMENT!
It is a calibration. An activation. An invitation into yourself. It is a movement of going beyond knowledge to true embodiment. To your own agency and autonomy so that you can move beyond the victim and become the ARCHITECT. It is a COSMIC HEALING.
It is a training ground and you can find all the rabbit holes to dive down with regards to your Human Design, Astrology, Gene Keys and the bodygraph’s + charts of others + SO MUCH MORE. And, it is a living breathing ecosystem that is always evolving with me and YOU. It is not just learning about concepts but living them. It is sourcing your security + status from within. It is building confidence and trust in your life as art. It is tapping into purpose and a life that feels fulfilling because it is aligning yourself with the highest expression of the journey you came to have.
It is the practical application of archetypes + your magic. You are not here to be anyone else but the truest most authentic individuated expression of your sovereign wholeness.
Knowledge + self discovery are amazing gifts but they are not an ending, they are a beginning. Don’t mistake the path to greater success + up-leveling as the destination. Come on the journey, marinate your bones, create tangible shifts + radiate with the fullness of YOU.
Here’s how The Collective supports your best life:
This (The Collective) is a DIY journey of self-discovery, training + practicum in one. Your Design is a language and The Collective is about learning that language while also raising your vibration + supporting your energetics so you can be who you came here to be. So you can literally re-member yourself.So you can connect to the answers that have always been there… WITHIN.
You get to stop doing it everyone else’s way and find YOUR path. The one aligned with your Soul. You move from comparison to power as you fully embody + radiate your unique codes. You create the life you love… the one begging you to architect it into existence (hint… your Soul left you a roadmap and The Collective + Sacred Success Codes has your distinct set of directions).
one of the portals inside is aligning you with your personal timing, energetic guides + signposts so that you are diving down rabbit holes, explorations and supports which are actually resonant with the energetics you are in currently so you can flow WITH your life.
You will find supportive content and workshops that go beyond typical Human Design trainings like Connection Charts (to support your relationship), the Penta (to support your family or ideal team), an intro to Sleep Charts/the DreamRave (+ proper sleep hygiene by Design) + so much support to embody the teachings. You will stumble across rabbit holes and sweet surprises at every turn (like the magic of planning your next vacation or move with AstroCarto) + receive members only discounts on 1:1 work.
*If you are a reader, coach, doctor, guide you will find the information to support your clients AND you will find tools and practices to help them actually integrate it.
It’s been described recently by members as:
“It feels like a warm hug. A masterpiece! A playground. My absolute favorite human design resource! I've paid A LOT more for A LOT less. Filled to the brim with incredible yet quite practical resources. Accessible. Valuable tool. Source of inspiration! Rich and full of support. Easy to understand! A buffet. EPIC! Top freakin' notch.”
membership options
The Collective membership
This is twelve monthly installments for one year access to offer greater inclusivity. If you prefer a one time payment you can do so here.
sliding scale
The Collective Membership
While my membership is already priced thoughtfully to prioritize access + inclusivity in this space, I understand that rate may still be out of reach for some in the season they’re in. This is twelve monthly SLIDING SCALE installments for one year access to The Collective membership
This SLIDING SCALE installment plan offers even greater accessibility. You are responsible for the full term (12 payments) and will have access to the material for one year. This option is for those who cannot manage the higher investment. This does not mean you cannot prioritize it, or budget for it, it means you absolutely cannot afford it at this time. I trust those utilizing it to do so in the utmost integrity.
lifetime vip
all access pass for life + vip bonus
You know you’re in for life + you want to hop in at this price knowing you will be locked in to all future content in both THE COLLECTIVE + EXPANDED: SACRED SUCCESS CODES. When you sign up for LIFETIME ACCESS you get all the goods (past, present + future) AND you get one VIP 1:1 session with me to be used in your first year of Lifetime membership.
“There is in man a double spring of action, namely nature and the will; nature for its part is ruled by the stars, while the will is free; but unless it (the will) resists, it is swept along by nature and becomes mechanical. ”
Can I cancel a membership?
If you sign up for The Collective and don’t find resonance you can cancel within 24 hours for a $50 cancellation fee. After 24 hours you are responsible for the remainder of your membership.
Why is it a yearly membership?
First and foremost a yearly membership makes it possible for me to parse out payments over twelve months to increase accessibility AND everyone I’ve spoken to who is a member is grateful for the time. The amount of information inside The Collective is vast and this is not work that we rush through. These are the tools I visit again and again. They are the ones I will continue to revisit for the rest of my life. And, although I’ve been unpacking my chart many years I’m still pulling new threads or pulling old ones only to see it in a completely new light from the space I’m currently in. This is make yourself a cup of tea, get cozy, take your time kind of self inquiry + embodiment. It’s a lifelong process, one that hopefully is full of curiosity and discovery, that is fun, rather than feeling like something we’re supposed to do. We have years of conditioning under our belts, not just from the society we live in but carried through our ancestral line. Once we bring awareness we get to learn, grow, evolve, heal, and continue to level up again and again for the rest of our lives as we move through the spiral of our healing, of our involution + evolution. The Collective is my sacred toolbox.
Will my membership renew after one year?
No, your membership will not automatically renew after one year. At the time of expiration you will receive an email with the option to renew at the same rate you originally signed up with.
What if I have questions?
I have office hours once a month for The Collective to answer questions. You can also always submit your questions via form or email ( I often record Q+A podcasts, monologues, and have even created workshops + portals off of a member’s curiosity. I wanna know what you’re most interested in knowing.
Can I share my membership?
ALL purchases made through B+F, including a la carte workshops + The Collective membership are meant to only be viewed by the purchaser and cannot be shared with others. Sharing of login details is strictly prohibited and access is monitored via IP addresses, login history + location for breach of policy. Pulling any content from inside The Collective is also strictly prohibited.
For any further questions see Terms of Use.
If that doesn’t cover it, feel free to email me at
Still not sure? Scroll all the way down to sign up for my Weekly Nourish, read some of the articles in my Journal, scroll through my Instagram and highlights, listen to the podcast + see if you resonate with my style and my language-ing, with how I pull threads. You deserve to find folks + content with which you feel a vibratory match. Follow your Strategy + Authority. Go beyond your mind and listen in to your body.
Not into joining clubs? Check out the a la carte workshops or work with me one-on-one.