Saturn's Makin' Moves + Showing Up To The Work


March is pretty busy cosmically, especially compared to last month and that is partially because Saturn is making his move from Aquarius to Pisces, and out of my 8th House, which I’m most excited about, as especially when it comes to Medical Astrology this is a challenging transit on its own. Add to that he’s my out of sect malefic, all of the squares to my somewhat crowded 5th House, and the fact that Saturn is my Timelord this year (and last), and needless to say, Saturn and I have been getting more intimately acquainted. I’ve been striving to get into better relationship with this energy and associated archetypes in my chart. He does bring gifts as well, they just may take a bit of elbow grease (and maybe some discomfort). So I’m stoked for this move and to share a bit about Saturn.

Saturn gets kind of a bad rap what with the oft dreaded Saturn Returns (which happen around every 28-30 years) but it’s really what you make of it. Yes, I have had many clients go through some challenges with their Saturn Return but they have all come out the other side in better positions, especially when they choose to work with the energy. Saturn is a motivator in many ways, pushing us to tackle the to do list, to take care of things we’ve been ignoring. He invites self discipline, and like our bodies with discomfort, sometimes that invitation begins with a whisper and grows louder the more we ignore the signs. He is all about ‘putting in the work’ which is also getting a bad rap of late. We need to remember that everything worth having does require some work. Sometimes we have to do hard things. Sometimes getting out of bed in the morning requires a bit of work. Cultivating healthy boundaries requires work. Commitment to a relationship, to self growth, to daily movement, to growing your business, to having better emotional intelligence requires work. Anything we want to manifest requires at the least growing our capacity to receive it, regulating our Nervous Systems, and clearing out all of the limitations and obstacles to our resonance with that desired state. Doing the dishes is work. Taking responsibility for our thoughts, actions and the life we’re co-creating requires work. Rewiring our mindset takes work. Saturn is not bad, and work is not bad. Checking out, laziness, and escapist tendencies (ahem, endless social media scrolling or Netflix binges) will bring the lower vibrations of Saturn (delays, limitation, obstacles, depression, isolation, etc…).

There are ways we can absolutely work with this energy to mine the gifts. With the move into Pisces, the realm of compassion, of dreams, of sensitivity, of Spirit this may mean cultivating greater spiritual discipline, healthier boundaries + understanding our sensitivity as a gift rather than something we fall victim to, stewarding our psyche, putting more intentional work in to your art, creativity, music… that you finally set aside some time to show up to it every week. This may mean, much like what I shared around the Year of The Water Rabbit, that you get up a bit earlier every morning to get in your meditation and begin your day on purpose. Imagination is the realm of Pisces and we can use this as a powerful tool for co-creation. Bring visualization to your daily practice.

It means that when you make a commitment to something, you KEEP YOUR WORD, and you show up, this absolutely includes keeping our word to ourselves. Surrender in and of itself can feel like work to get there. What are the ways in which you need to surrender on the regular?

We often put so much effort into the external actions but not the subconscious energetics. This a time to look behind the scenes at what is limiting your expansion. What are the vibrational patterns, frequencies, limiting beliefs that are obstacles to architecting the life you desire. Where do you need to decondition so you can more authentically align?

Can you be disciplined in your kindness, in non-judgment, in compassion, in opening your heart rather than shutting down, getting caught up in fear, in low vibrations. Can you be disciplined in hope, in the energy you bring to the collective, knowing your vibration has ripples, tending to the world you want to amplify and grow rather than what’s not working.

Working with this energy means bringing consistency. And as we know it’s the things (often the small ones) that we do consistently, the cumulative efforts, that have the biggest impacts.

Look at what House Pisces rules in your natal chart for more around your personal container.

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amanda barnett