
Artwork: Webb Haus

Artwork: Webb Haus


PASSWORD: support

Get the goods

The best place to take a look at your chart for free is at It is personal to you and your birth time and it never changes. It is a snapshot of where the planets were in the sky at the moment of your birth. When you create an account it will keep your information in the system and you can dip back in at anytime to go exploring. From the homepage hover over free horoscopes and then scroll through the selections until you see Astro Click Travel (near the middle bottom). This is where you wanna go. Focus, I know there are so many shiny options!! You can come back to those later.

You can use the google scalable map (option at the top left drop down menu under your name) to look at where you were born, a place you’re thinking of taking the family on vacation (maybe avoid your Mars IC line), a potential relocation or how you may be supported or challenged in the place you are currently living. Use the (+) arrow at the bottom right to zoom in and then click and drag to move around.

The planet(s) hanging out where you were born, when you were born, will influence your core traits. For example if you were born on a Mercury line you are probably a really good communicator. Each planet has high vibe and low vibe manifestations. Those low vibe manifestations emerge when we’re out of alignment.

This is also important to remember if you find yourself living on what might be considered a challenging energy. That planet has high vibe aspects as well. There is good in the drive and ambition you can attain when on a Mars line or in the transformative powers of Pluto.

And if you find a super supportive line in your chart like Jupiter or Venus in a place you’ve always wanted to travel to, or thought about moving to, then maybe it’s time to seriously consider it. At least travel there and spend some time seeing how you feel. I think intentional travel is kind of a fascinating idea considering we usually travel to escape. Start to notice how you feel in different locales and see how it lines up with your map.

If you live on a challenging line and aren’t looking to move, know that just by having the awareness you’re taking a big step closer to finding balance. Understanding the energy and embracing it rather than fighting it is key as well as seeing it as an opportunity to learn the lesson it’s here to teach you. And you can always visit or balance it out by bringing in some of the energetic influences of the other planets you desire from the places where they live on your chart.

You can also work backwards and think about what kind of energy you want to draw into your life, locate it on the map and plan a trip there or bring some of that culture into your present day location. Tips on this at the end.

the orb of influence

Sounds kinda serious huh. In astrogeography it simply refers to the distance in which you are affected by a line - which is up to 700 miles or 1126 km in diameter. Most believe that 300 miles or under is the strongest influence. You can use the little guy in the bottom left corner to measure. I draw it on a piece of paper to make a super fancy ruler (which I lose and then make again on a fairly regular basis 🤦🏻‍♀️). The closer you are to the line, the stronger its influence, the farther the more diffuse.


Within Astro you can also scroll over and click on the glyphs along the top of the map to see some basic information in the auto interpretation on the right side of the map. This is also helpful if you don’t recognize the symbols as it will tell you which planet the line represents. 

The Planets

Artwork: Thomas Galler

Artwork: Thomas Galler

I want to emphasize that no line is good or bad. Jim Lewis said, “That reminds me to remind you that the point in A*C*G is not to find someplace to go to become rich and famous... The point in the study of astrology is to become a whole person, a complete, entire person.” This is one more tool to further our soul’s own evolution. The more whole + balanced we are as a human the less we will be affected by challenging lines. We will be centered in our core and know how to ride that energy as well as support ourselves and/or soften its edges.

When we visit a line for fun, for vacation, we are not, most likely, going to dig in to the real deep elements of these energies, though it may begin an initiation, awakening, or activation. We can tap into elements of ourselves and support for positive transformation in our lives, we may even meet someone who symbolizes a change we are on the cusp of making ourselves, that nudges us forward or shows us what is possible. We may choose not to take that vacation with the family on our Mars IC line instead opting for that spot on a Sun or Venus IC we were also considering. Or we may choose to intentionally visit a Uranus line to shake things up. We can travel with this new awareness to see how we feel on these lines and even look back to the places we have already been to gain more context or see how these energies played out for us individually.

When we live on a line long term we are really amplifying those energies in our life as we swim in them and they can become a centralized focus. With challenging lines especially, we are going to come up against more of the low vibrations if we have not yet integrated that piece of ourselves, if we repress it, if we deny it, if we are annoyed by it, etc.. Yes, we may want to move to a Jupiter or Venus line but we can play in ALL of these energies to become a more well, integrated, aligned, whole expression of ourselves.

Sun: finding self + being seen - gold line

High vibes:

  • typically VERY supportive.

  • the masculine, yang energy of action

  • a great line for self esteem, self love and confidence.

  • a place of being known for what you do (especially on the MC line), also supportive in general for self made careers

  • a chance to channel your inner hero or heroine (might be bit of a hero/heroine’s journey especially pre-Saturn Return)

  • great place for developing creativity, talents and abilities.

  • great zone for healing, overall well-being + vitality

  • healing and connection with your father, the Father archetype

Low vibes + considerations:

  • egoic behavior and/or narcissism.

  • idolizing celebrities rather than accepting and integrating your own ability to shine.

  • living for external validation + approval

  • may not be a line for people who really love their privacy.

  • if you’re visiting on vacation be sure to bring ample money to spend. ;)


  • Neptune, Venus, the Moon

Moon: the emotions - dark blue line

High vibes:

  • the feminine, Yin, energy of allowance + receptivity

  • getting in touch with your emotions

  • a focus on the nurturing

  • tuning in to desires + needs

  • cozy vibes

  • self care

  • fertility

  • healing and connection with your mother, the Mother archetype

Low vibes + considerations:

  • moody AF, feeling overly sensitive, too tuned in to others emotions

  • giving too much

  • this can be challenging if you do not have good self stewardship in place + a healthy relationship to your emotions

  • a good place for inner child or reparenting work

  • feelings manifesting in the body

  • feeling self conscious or the need to fill a void


  • Sun, Mercury, Jupiter

Mercury: Communication - light green line

High vibes:

  • lots of energy, youthful

  • getting in touch with your talents and gifts

  • quick wit + self expression

  • learning, education and knowledge/teaching, mentors, new ideas

  • gathering and disseminating

  • creativity + inner initiations (an potentially leading others in their own initiations)

  • deeper connection to messages we see/signs around us (animals, universal synchronicities, 11:11, etc..). It’s all communication.

  • supports small tasks, music, literary, publishing, success in the small things/local influence, craftsmanship

Low vibes + considerations:

  • Mercury was the messenger of the gods and associated with thievery + mischief

  • scattered energy + mind

  • the energy is fast so it may feel like a lot for those with a nervous spirit or someone experiencing anxiety.

  • sarcasm + cynicism

  • may not be best if you’re looking for fame past the local level


  • Saturn

Venus: Beauty, art, style and love - dark green line

High vibes:

  • one of the most supportive lines to live on + great for a vacation, de-stressing, investment or romantic fling.

  • relationships, partnerships, sensuality and sexuality.

  • pleasure through all the senses, relaxation

  • an energy to channel if you’re looking for love FOR SURE!

  • as good as it gets for your self esteem + feeling attractive and having a positive self image

  • connecting to resonant community

  • art, beautiful aesthetics, creative abilities improve

  • generally good for health

Low vibes + considerations:

  • over indulgence + excess

  • may be boring for folks who are ambitious, super active or highly motivated

  • may exacerbate lazy, unmotivated types or disinterest in self examination

  • not dealing with the darker sides of our psyche/sub-conscious, finding balance and acknowledging lows as well

  • narcissism

  • important to have a healthy relationship to the feminine


  • Saturn, Mars

*Venus is how you love + what you’re attracted to in the feminine. Look to where it lives in your chart for more insight on what you are naturally drawn to.

Mars: Energy, achievement, militant, aggression - red line

High vibes:

  • drive + ambition

  • assertiveness + independence

  • leadership, adventure, pioneering (a great place to take a survival course or test your skills)

  • stamina + athletic ability, sporting events, competition

  • greater access to courage + strength

  • an energy for burning up what no longer serves you, minimizing the extraneous whether tangible or no (kind of like Moldavite)

  • math, science, engineering, military

Low vibes + considerations:

  • short tempers + confrontation

  • anger + feeling poked

  • adrenal fatigue + burnout

  • can be good to balance with a lot of physical activity (especially Sacral beings!) and things like martial arts to release tension

  • violence, injury, rage, abuses of power

  • important to have a healthy relationship to the masculine and your own sexuality, approach Mars with respect


  • Venus, Neptune, the Moon

*Mars is what you are attracted to in the masculine. Look to your natal chart for sign placement for more insight here.

Jupiter: Fortune, abundance, blessings - hot pink line

High vibes:

  • Jupiter is pretty much all about the good vibes.

  • success + luxury without much effort, daring to dream big

  • even education + resources from here can lead to prosperity in business

  • you are recognized for you ideas, fame

  • joy, optimism, really good luck and the energy of expansion.

  • a place of ease and wellness/vitality.

  • even investing in companies who’s home base is on your Jupiter line can bear fruit

Low vibes + considerations:

  • laziness

  • excess, health tends to be really supported on Jupiter unless you have health issues that have to do with overindulgence (like overweight)

  • could be contraindicated for someone who sees themself as self made or likes a challenge, overcoming obstacles

  • arrogance for self-centeredness

  • feeling like you have to “keep up with the Jones’s”

  • comparing yourself to others


  • Saturn, Mars

Saturn: The task master, order, rules - brown line

“Human beings do not earn free will except through self discovery, and they do not attempt self-discovery until things have become so painful that they have no other choice.” - Liz Greene, Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil

High vibes:

  • discipline, dependability, structure, the ability to persevere. 

  • recognizing your own capacity for power + independence

  • challenge as a catalyst for growth and getting in touch with your purpose

  • cultivating autonomy, ambition and authority

  • shadow work, transmuting low vibrations and the repressed parts of ourselves in the hidden self to realize potential, to become whole

  • success through hard work and playing the long game, may include the long game in partnerships as well or a partner who is significantly older

  • grounding our dreams in reality

Low vibes + condisiderations:

  • rigidity, depression

  • practicality over pleasure

  • limitations + obstacles

  • being hard on oneself, victimization

  • this one can be capital C Challenging long term

  • can be tough on your health especially bones, teeth (including grinding) and aging. Support yourself with yoga + meditation.

  • you may feel like work has to be hard here or you have to work really hard to be successful


  • Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune

Uranus: Surprise, change, rebelliousness - light blue line

High vibes:

  • one thing is for sure, you will not be bored on this line.

  • liberation + change, fresh new energy

  • risk taking

  • a focus on ideas, activism, social movements

  • tapping into your uniqueness, innovation, independence, autonomy, and imagination.

  • technology and innovation

  • change as an ally for growth

  • synchronicities

Low vibes + considerations:

  • moody vibes, aloof and unemotional

  • chaos, everything is always fluctuating

  • requires flexibility in nature

  • not for those who are attached to control or security

  • hyper-sensitivity, can be tough on the nervous system especially if one can’t go with the flow.

  • not a line for folks who need to be in control.


  • Saturn, Venus, Jupiter

*See my post on your Uranus Opposition around age 40 up on the B+F Journal! 

Neptune: Our spirituality - purple line

High vibes:

  • inspiration + imagination

  • tapping into intuitive, sensitive and psychic abilities

  • connection to Source, spiritual study and pursuits are supported

  • powers of persuasion

  • careers in music, healing, filmmaking, art, dance, performance

Low vibes + considerations:

  • not the best for boundaries, or folks who want to be in control of their life

  • can be hard to find clarity especially on the DS. May need someone to help us take off our rose colored glasses, see through delusions especially when it comes to our relationships and false idols.

  • deception, escapism, addiction, illusions

  • the planet of the Not-Self

  • invisibility, or people projecting an image onto you, lack of awareness around your authentic self/true identity

  • mood swings, health issues from outside influence (like your environment)


  • Saturn, the Sun

Pluto: Death + rebirth - black line w/ P

This planet is not effing around. It’s explosive. If you know anything about the crystal moldavite I’d compare this planet to that vibe or to Kali. Reading the story of Persephone when she was kidnapped and taken to the underworld can be enlightening to this energy as well.

High vibes:

  • power, transformation, shadow work, astrological alchemy.

  • embracing the darker side of life + experience; death, rebirth, destruction

  • embracing impermanence

  • intense transformational relationships, sex may also be a focus here

  • conscious self renewal resulting in a magnetic charisma

  • suffering as a catalyst for profound transformation

Low vibes + considerations:

  • it can turn your life upside down but can also be incredibly transformative for those willing to see the truth.

  • a rise from the ashes kind of energy and one to also be especially cautious around on the DS (especially if this energetic archetype is in any way repressed in your psyche).

  • look out for destructiveness or an unhealthy desire for power.

  • cultivate a healthy relationship to your darkness and mortality.


  • Venus, the Moon, Neptune

Chiron: The wounded healer - Black line w/ key

Chiron is technically a comet, not a planet.

High vibes:

  • healing, a deeper discovery + acceptance of Self

  • mediating between the old and new self

  • showing us where our pain lives, our sacred wounds

  • re-parenting, shadow + inner child work

  • confronting or re-evaluating our traditional or old value systems

  • old wounds may come to the surface to be healed on a deeper level

  • through vulnerability we can achieve wholeness

  • seeing in new ways, in a new light

  • look to the angle to see where it is ‘poking’ you. Is it on the DC this may be old wounds with relationships, re-parenting work, etc.. On the IC it may have something to do with home + rooting, etc..

Low vibes + considerations:

  • An unhealthy/extreme obsession with healing, dieting, all things wellness ie; without balance.

THE NODES - black line w/ horseshoe

The Nodes (the North + South Nodes of the Moon) will have a lesser effect than a planet as they are points/areas and not actual bodies.

This energy will:

  • push us toward our purpose + destiny and the lessons of our North Node

  • help us to gain insight around why we are here

  • connect with supportive, resonant community

  • look at your North Node to know what this will be calling out.

Crossings + Close Encounters

When planets lines cross, are close together, or even on top of each other or within the orb of influence (700 miles) this amplifies their energy. Look at them both individually and also know that together they create their own entity. The line closer to you will most likely have the stronger influence.

Here are some examples of combos: 

The Sun
- The Sun amplifies the energy of the other planet(s) it is near. For example; Sun + Jupiter = more expansion, more fame, more fortune. This means it will also exacerbate the challenging planets like Saturn = more contraction. A hard combo with Neptune as well as they’re opposing energies. 

The Sun + the Moon can be a challenging energy since the sun is masculine and the moon is feminine energy. Can feel more conflicting than balancing. Like a tug-o-war vibe. It may be an area of avoiding anything truly meaningful and getting caught up in the mundane.

The Moon - The Moon will affect how we feel about ourselves and our relationships. Can be good with Venus + Jupiter nurturing those energies. The planets that can be challenging like Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto can be hard with the moon as the moon is a soft, vulnerable energy. 

Neptune + the Moon is pretty watery and can mean without boundaries to an unhealthy extent. 

Mercury will just amplify how we communicate within the other planetary energies as well as guide what we’re interested in. Eg; Mercury + the Moon would give us clarity in communicating our desires, in nurturing. It may also link our sensitivity to our work. It would also be place to be extra mindful of the Not Self and absorbing like a sponge. Mercury + Venus = more interested in love, beauty, art, etc.. Mars + Mercury might lead to someone who likes to argue A LOT. 

Mars can be especially challenging with Uranus, Neptune, Pluto + Saturn as that aggressiveness can be amplified with these energies. 

Saturn is not a happy with most planets. Even conflicting with the expansive nature of Jupiter. While you may still achieve great fortune it would typically feel like you need to work really hard for it. 

Uranus can be a sweet energy when you bring that surprising energy into the especially supportive plants: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter (hello financial windfall), Neptune (spiritual enlightenment). 

Pluto is especially tough with the Sun, Moon + Mars. Can be too much explosive energy with the Sun and Mars and too much harsh energy with the vulnerability of the Moon. 

Jupiter + Pluto can be a surprisingly magical combo if you’re down for transformation being at the center of your life. This can be a place where you actually “birth a totally new self”. While there may be a lot of upset you always come through the other end, typically better for it, when you allow it to be a catalyst for growth.

Diving Deeper

Artwork: Jack Cain

Artwork: Jack Cain

Among the possible manifestations you can see within the planetary influences are those specific to each of the four angles (the angle is shown next to the planet glyph at the top of the chart). This will help you locate where exactly in your life the energy will be focused.

Interior Angles

ASCENDANT (AS) - Planets on this line directly influence how we engage with life, where our interests focus, and how we perceive ourselves (our self image).

West of the Line: Your personality, inner thoughts and your identity. How you are perceived by yourself and others. You may find yourself directly incorporating the planetary energies from this place. You can stand more in your power by recognizing and owning the influence. 

East of the Line: You may find yourself affected more by the psychological influences of the planet. This may be more subconscious or something those around you can see more clearly as with our body gates in Human Design. It may feel like from your perspective that these things are happening to you rather than your choice. Again power comes from having awareness and owning it. Notice patterns and recognize that they are an external manifestation of your inner world. 

IMUM COELI (IC) - Our inner landscape, thoughts and feelings. These places may engender a deeper feeling of belonging and security. The places where we are rooted (which is why say a Uranus IC line may make its hard to ground as you are literally “rooted” in change. Typically good places for decompression and self reflection.

West of the line: These energies relate directly to family, home life and your culture. Living here will change your concept of self (especially that comfy cozy South Node vibe of past and roots). It will ask you to evolve through developing the qualities of the planetary energy often through direct confrontation with your past. 

East of the line: Your environment and your awareness around its effects on you will be emphasized here. You are sensitive to your surroundings. The planet will ask you to adapt to what it represents and may impact your areas of ‘home’.

Exterior Angles 

MID HEAVEN (MC) - MC lines are powerful places especially when it comes to career, status, how people see you. They can be great allies for success and recognition as they are bout what you project out into the world and therefore what the world reflects back to you.

West of the Line: This is about how you are seen within your social circles and in your career. You will be presented with relevant experiences here. You may be called into a place of power where it’s helpful to harness the energy and skills natural to the planet to thrive in the spotlight. Eg: a career in spirituality or the arts if you find Neptune on the MC. On this line, the world is watching you. 

East of the Line: Here the qualities of this planet that seem the most detached from who you are/who you see yourself to be will manifest. Again this will play out in public; through people, situations, social interactions and cultural influences. You will see these qualities mirrored back to you in those around you. Pay attention as they’ll point you in the right direction. 

The Ascendant is the place of self-recognition, the Descendant the place where we recognise others. We find ourselves through the Ascendant but we discover others through the Descendant. The ascending sign illustrates my personal attributes, whereas the descending sign shows those that do not belong to me.
— Howard Sasportas

DESCENDANT (DS) - what you’re drawing to you physically, mentally and psychically. This pertains to the people you attract in your life, and relationships. One to be especially careful of on challenging lines like Mars + Pluto. If you can’t move away from these DS’s then take action to protect yourself. Also a good time to magnetize some sweet Venus energy to bring balance.

West of the Line: This can be a place of shadow. One where you will project what you need to learn on those around you and closest to you. It can be easy here to blame others rather than to see how your own acceptance or rejection of self is playing out in your exterior world. They show you what you need to accept about yourself and then they learn from the person you become as a result of integration. This is a place of learning by example. 

East of the Line: This place constantly challenges you and encourages you to find solutions by incorporating the very energies you’re coming up against. Look at the potentials of the planet you might not consider. Accept, integrate and mature into these qualities or the planet will most likely force your hand. 

getting personal

  • How do you feel about this planetary energy? And, or what are you looking to personally cultivate. A Sun Line can be great for a person who enjoys the spotlight but may be less beneficial for someone who is intensely private. We can look to our natal chart for ways to support ourselves but we can also just tune in to what we need in this moment.

  • What do you feel about how the angle shapes its influence?

  • How does it show up in your chart? What House and Sign does it reside? Where are your Sun + Moon? Your North Node? What are these energies asking for? For relocation you really want to pay attention to how these planets show up for you. What will serve you? Are you looking for growth or retirement?

  • Some planets that may feel challenging to others may serve you in the short or long term depending on your chart. For instance someone with their MC in Capricorn might get a career boost on a Saturn line and feel more at home there.

  • Look to Sign + House to know what the planet will particularly bring out in you. As well as the Houses it rules.

  • Look at your MC for more information on what you are meant to be known for. What would support that energy? Do you have any planets in the 10th House? For instance I have my Moon in the 10th House so my Moon MC line on the East Coast could be supportive for my career. Sidenote: in whole sign houses my MC is actually in the 9th House which is another story. ;) Maybe you have your MC in Cancer so you are meant to be known for nurturing in some way or for something associated with family or roots, you may want to channel your Moon MC line to connect with that.

  • Is it aspected well in your natal chart or in challenging ways?

  • What Gates reside in this planetary energy? How do they show up for you? Have you transmuted them into their Gift energy? Collective Members: visit The Meeting Ground.

  • Is this an energy you feel you express? Is it integrated or are there elements/traits of this planet you reject?

  • Are you past your Saturn Return and have you worked through those lessons (especially when it comes to living on Saturn).

  • Look to your Environment for additional locational support.

  • Look to places you have traveled in your past… what lines are they associated with? How did you feel there?

Reverse Engineering

Artwork: Jeffrey Czum

Artwork: Jeffrey Czum


How you can harness or use the Energy - you don’t have to live there or even visit (unless you want to)!

Find a place on the map that corresponds with an energy you’d like to attract. Eg; Jupiter for abundance; Venus for love; Mercury for communication; Pluto for transformation and then draw that energy to you by indulging in the culture of that place. 

  • Cook recipes and ingredients known to this place. Take a cooking class in the cuisine.

  • Buy art and hang it on your walls

  • Create a Pinterest board (I have one) or a separate Instagram account to follow people from, inspirations associated with or the general location tags. Let yourself be inspired.

  • Wear clothes from there, from designers from there or influenced by the culture.

  • Listen to music from there or by artists who were born there.

  • Find a way to connect with people from this place.

  • Buy textiles for your home.

  • What are the cultural beauty rituals from your Venus lines?

  • Read books about or an author from there.

  • Find a gallery on your Sun or Jupiter line to sell your artwork.

  • Lead a workshop or a retreat on your Sun, Mercury or Jupiter line.

  • Find someone to mentor you on your Mercury line.

  • Make investments on your Jupiter lines, even investing in companies who’s head office is there.

  • Work with a healer on your Chiron line.

  • Connect to the culture and wellness practices of your Sun IC for greater well-being.

  • Plan a vacation to one of your sweet spots.

  • Visit a spa on your Moon line or Node.

  • Watch movies or binge watch a series located in your happy places or by filmmakers from there.

  • Listen to nature sounds from there.

You can always dive deeper with this stuff. Just like Human Design there are layers upon layers. You can look at where these planets are in your chart, what sign do they live in, what house do they live in, how are they aspected, to get more nuanced in the focus. There are so many possibilities and potential influences.

You can also keep it simple. Take these basics and experiment. See how it resonates when you look at your chart.

What are you wanting most in your life right now? See what place on the map holds that energy and then magnetize it to you with the tips above. If you live somewhere challenging, what can you accomplish with this energy? What is it able to teach you? How can you balance it out? What needs to be integrated? Also, notice the permissive sigh of relief when you realize “oh, that’s why I’ve been feeling _____________”.

Have fun!!! 


bonus - your houses

pulling threads

These are the Houses to look to when it comes to finding home + travel. With these Houses we can look at what Sign rules the House + if there are any planets within the House to offer us information. For instance if you have a 9th House in Cancer, long distance travel may not really be your jam unless you're traveling somewhere resonant and on water, and probably with family, or you may opt out of traveling for the most part. If you have the 3rd or 9th House in Virgo you may like to travel but need to have found a good deal and have all the details ironed out and organized to make it feel easeful and fun. 

Think about the qualities of the Sign. What planet rules it? If you have the 3rd House in Leo ruled by the Sun then beach, warm temps + sunshine may be your ideal spot to getaway. If your 4th House is in Cancer you may be a real homebody focused on cozy security. As it is a water sign, having water close by could be really nourishing. If your 9th House is in Libra or Venus is in your 9th House you may travel for Venusian qualities: love, art, beauty. With Venus in the 9th you may find yourself making money off of your travel or that you typically hop on a plane to see your in-laws. If you have Mercury in your 4th House (or the Sign is ruled by Mercury) you may find you move around a lot.

It's a fun thing to explore and something I've been incorporating into Astrocartography readings of late. 

You can also look at what Gates live in these Houses and how those archetypes may be represented when it comes to these themes. For instance I have Gate 57, The Gate of Intuition, in my 4th House. This totally makes sense because I have always moved somewhere intuitively AND I always just know when I walk into the right place that this is where I'm supposed to live. If I needed permission here to trust this instinct this could be a really helpful awareness to have. Because this Gate is located in the Spleen it is also a Fear Gate so there is a chance that I may not take action or pull the trigger on the right place because I'm in fear and not trusting myself. It's important that I have space for my higher guidance to come through an honor it…. and follow my Emotional Authority ofcourse. ;) 

4th house

The House for creating and finding home + what home means to you. The planets here tell you a bit about your view around home, roots and family. And as the 4th House is ruled by Cancer you can look to what House Cancer resides and where your Moon lives (as Cancer is ruled by the Moon).

3rd house

The House for how we connect to our local community and short trips nearby your current location. Think road trips!!! This House is ruled by Gemini and therefore Mercury so look at where Mercury might be hanging out for additional insight.

9th house 

The House to look to for long distance travel aka your ass is getting on a plane as well as the traveling we do inside our own inner landscape, our curiosity. Planets here will tell you about your level of wanderlust and that feeling of seeking. The 9th House is ruled by Sag + Jupiter so look to where Jupiter is hanging out for additional nuance.

local space