release force +

step into flow

an intentional 1:1 container

3 months utilizing the cosmos as your guide | ongoing high access Intuitive mentorship

this immersion is curated for you if one or more applies:

  • you are looking for energetic support to unstick somewhere in life + orient yourself in the correct direction, to personally grow.

  • you are feeling burnt out or just craving a reset. You’re ready to move through life with more ease.

  • you would like some accountability support + are tired of trying to figure it all out alone.

  • you desire guidance, focus, access to greater prosperity.

  • you want to reconnect to your why + vision with greater clarity.

  • you aspire to re-member + align with your Soul’s blueprint while also tapping your agency.

  • you long to close the gap between where you are right now and your desired future self.

  • you’re here for your year of boss vibes; you want to align with your personal Sacred Success Codes, creating legacy, financial security and achieving your goals while feeling fulfilled and on purpose.

  • you would like to connect your CosmicBodyMind.

I speak often about remedies and aligned action over simple diagnostics. Intention + practicum beyond information. And that is where the focus will be here, on tangible growth, practical application + leveling up. We will use the phases of the Moon, your sacred success codes and your Design as a tool, supporting it, and you, with (w)holistic practices for greater well-being, success, love, abundance, intuitive clarity, radiance, magnetism or whatever you most desire to come into greater authentic alignment with in this moment + the next, including support for your unique present day cosmic weather.

This offering is perfect for you if you’ve had readings with me before but are looking to hone in more on the life you want to create or if you have never had a session with me but are interested in discovering how to better integrate your design and you’re a dive in deep kind of person. We will imbibe, decondition, embody, radiate + orient to create flow through the Cosmic Trinity, to create less stress and more ease, to cultivate prosperity and authentic alignment in all areas of your life, because no matter what we are intentionally focused on, this is the kind of alchemy that is (w)holistic.

Read about client experiences working with me here.

It was truly life changing.
— Jade

There are a limited number of spaces for this level of work + it does require a commitment. It is set for three lunar cycles because this is the amount of time you really need minimum to actualize change and really up-level. It is the actions we take every day on the regular that create the most significant transformations.

I am a Cancer Rising (intuitive nurturer + sacred space holder), a Scorpio Sun (source of transformation + rebirth) AND an Aries Moon + Sag Mercury which typically equates to a fairly no bullshit straightforward truth speaker ;), who will absolutely hold tender, safe constructive, space for those who want to authentically level up and understand that I cannot and will not do the work for you, so please only apply for this if you are ready to roll up your sleeves and dig in. I will meet you where you are and expect you to be accountable to the work we do together.

Even small intentional changes create ripples.

what’s included with investment

  • We will meet twice each month.

    This will include deep dive sessions pulling threads in your chart + bodygraph to support you + your vision in the present moment + may also include clarifying your Vision + what needs to take place to get you there, deconditioning support, intuitive guidance + subconscious frequency scanning.

  • Connect with me anytime with questions and curiosities around homework, application, integration, accountability… T-S business house through Voxer.

  • Bonus DAILY quantum vibrational support to unwind conditioning in your subconscious and align you with your vision.


$1,332 / month | 3 month commitment


It can be helpful if you are a member of The Collective as I can direct you to material within for homework, to explore + additionally support yourself but it is not required.
