your authority
morgan freeman
Emotional Authority
what is your authority?
Big hint here, it’s not your mind. And this can be very challenging to decondition from as we are taught to think it through and to listen to our minds. Our mind tells us it knows best. But the truth is we each have an Authority outside of our mind for making decisions (with the exception of Reflectors who have an external authority and double down on their Strategy).
When we follow our Strategy + Authority, we tap into our unique individuated self. We create flow in our life and we find our purpose of this incarnation. We magnetize the things we desire, life shows up for us, there is less trying and doing and more allowing our lives to unfold.
Human Design is called an experiment so I invite you to really follow your Strategy + Authority, play, see what happens when you stop trying to figure it out with your mind. Look for ways to tune into your Authority, begin with getting grounded, and then explore. Is it just about getting still and tuning into your body, to your feelings, does it help to use a pendulum, your favorite deck, asking for a sign, meditation? Do you need to clear out some noise with Breathwork or one of the Deconditioning Nidra’s so you can hear more clearly?
I really like this practice I heard from Scott Shute, see how you might adapt it according to your Authority + intuitive inner knowing. What information might it offer you as a Splenic hit, as you talk it out (Outer Authority), as you marinate on it for a few nights (Emo). How do your options feel in your body.
Allow yourself to think of two options. Go down the rabbit hole with choice ‘A’. What would your life be like? What would you be like? How would it make you feel? Go for the full ride. Make it a full sensorial experience.
Think of something random like an orange rhino to cleanse your palate.
Then: go down the rabbit hole with choice ‘B’. What would your life be like? What would you be like? How would it make you feel? Go for the full ride. Make it a full sensorial experience.
Without thinking about it and before your mind gets in the way… which choice/ride feels better in your body?
emotional authority
This means you have a defined Solar Plexus Center and is about 51% of the population. With this center defined your emotions rule. This has a lot of influence over your charts Strategy as the Solar Plexus is at the top of the Authority hierarchy. While we with Emotional Authority can be impulsive, we will often have regrets when committing to something while riding our wave. We can be quite moody, our state changing from one moment to the next, often with no apparent reason or warning. Because of this we need to recognize that there is no truth in the now. Our go to phrase: That sounds fun, can I let you know. We are not meant to act spontaneously (even if we also have a defined Spleen, see below). And there is typically some deconditioning to be done here when we learn this about ourselves. We have to resist the urge to make the quick decisions, we recognize we don't have access to our full depth of understanding in the moment.
The emotions we often feel the most potently are colored by our energy type:
Manifestor - anger
Generator - frustration
Projector - bitterness
Manifesting Generator - anger and/or frustration
It is SUPER helpful for us to sleep on our decisions. When we do this we take the time to pick up important information all along the highs and lows of our emotional wave. We find equilibrium, we rest in stillness and then we decide. Even then we will most likely only be about 80% sure. As an emotional authority we’re not going to get to 100%, but our truth is revealed over time.
One of my biggest tools as I have a defined Spleen as well is to write things down when I get a hit based on something in my outer environment (b/c Generator) and then I sleep on it and see how I feel about it when I’m more neutral. We still absolutely utilize our Strategy AND we wait until we have that emotional clarity.
It is about surrendering to our uncertainty and waiting for the clarity to arise. It can actually make you more magnetic to wait, as people are drawn to this juicy Solar Plexus energy. You may find that while you’re taking your time to decide about a job offer, they suddenly offer you more money. ;)
Get to know how your Wave operates below. The Channel 59/6 is the source of all the waves and probably the most stable wave. It is most closely connected to intimacy and bonding as it is the Channel of Mating and requires someone else to call it out of you.
This is going to be for Generators and Manifesting Generators who do not have a defined Solar Plexus Center. In the case of a Sacral of Generated Authority your gut rules. What does the physical response in your body feel like?
With a pure Sacral Authority and an undefined Solar Plexus you’re still going to have feelings. They just don’t rule your decision making process and you don’t need to wait to ride out the wave. You can observe them (or process them if needed) as you tune into your Sacral response.
The Sacral voice is said to come through an inner Uh huh/yes and Uh uhn/no. And I agree, obviously, that we can potentially hear these Sacral sounds when we tune in AND if we’ve been conditioned our whole lives to make decisions from our heads, it can be pretty challenging.
Maybe a yes for you is leaning forward, feeling butterflies, listening more deeply, an internal smile, a feeling of expansion. I often tune in to my higher self once my emotions have steadied (b/c Emotional Authority here 🙋♀️) and then I ask the question and just notice how I feel. It’s often very subtle; a light opening in my heart/chest or a slight hunching into myself.
If you’re not sure or the feeling feels muddle then it’s a wait and see. Have them ask you again later and see how you respond. In general having people ask you yes and no questions you can respond to is super beneficial for Sacral Authorities. Have those closest to you give you options. When we are asked yes and not questions it is an opportunity for us to reconnect to our inner authority which may have been conditioned out of us throughout our life.
Committing ourselves isn’t just about what you desire, what sounds good, but also about whether or not you have the energy to resources to follow it through to the end because as a Generator once we commit it’s very hard for us to get out.
While Emotional Authorities need time to process the Sacral is a present moment, in the now feeling (quicker still if you also have a defined Spleen).
A Splenic Authority is when you have a defined Spleen without a defined Sacral or Solar Plexus. However, if you have a defined Spleen AND Sacral and/or Solar Plexus, this is still an important one to know and understand.
This is an instant, lightening bolt energy in the moment. It is an intuitive, raw, instinctive, inner knowing. And without the Sacral or Solar Plexus definition it is most likely that what others would term rash decisions are exactly your wheel house. You know right away if something is right or wrong for you and you don’t need any additional time to process.
It also only gives you that hit once, so it’s very important that you pay attention when you get those lightning bolts instincts.
Our instinct is usually 9 seconds before our mind starts to get into the way, questioning, second guessing or doubting our decisions. If you are second guessing you have left the territory of your Spleen and are trying to figure it out with your mind. You do not need to process, and think it though, it is the moment to moment decisions.
Your Spleen is in constant communication with you about what serves you and what does not. It is tied to your very well-being. Listen to all of those little and important messages your body is telling you. It’s not just about survival (ruled by the Spleen) but thriving.
Be open to what is good for you in the moment changing in the next moment. The Spleen doesn’t have awareness around the future and therefore what is correct for you may change. Trust in your body, in your instincts, to point you in the right direction. Tune in by experimenting and noting what those urges feel like.
ego manifested
This Authority is driven by the Heart/Will Center. It connects to your Throat and therefore you find the truth in what you say. When you listen to the words flowing out of your mouth, you can discern what feels right for you. Rather than listening to your mind, you are listening to your own language, tone, intonation and what clarity that brings in the body. This means letting your words flow without trying to censor or control them. You are actually served by random blurts in the moment because it is these moments when your mind is not in control, when your Not Self is not trying to control what you’re saying. You are bypassing the mind, and there in lies your truth.
Trust your voice.
Look at the gates connected to your Will Center to explore what your Ego wants.
ego projected
A connection between your Heart/Will Center and your G Center creates this Authority through the Channel of Initiation (25-51). For you especially, your Strategy of Waiting For The Invitation is where you put your trust. Wait to be recognized and invited. You have such a power to bring transformation when invited. As with all Projectors, but especially for you, it’s important to surround yourself with the right community as well as taking the time, while you’re waiting to be invited, to learn a skill or system that will help you to guide others.
When you are invited, it doesn’t mean it’s right for you, be a little selfish, ask what’s in it for you. Find clarity around what you want in life and make sure the opportunities line up with that.
For all beings there is much power in keeping our word, but for anyone with a defined Heart Center this is especially important. This means making sure you’re entering into the right situations and you have the energy to follow through. It doesn’t mean you can’t ask to move a meeting, but if it can’t be moved, then it’s important you show up for your commitments.
This is a connection from the G-Center to the Throat. This is another one where it’s important to listen to what you say. Your defined G Center gives you a strong sense of self and there is power in your response to an invitation. It’s not about figuring it out in your mind, but about listening to what you say when invited and trust your voice in that moment.
You are meant to follow what makes you feel like you. Be careful not to get lost in all of your open centers. There is a very clear you defined in there. What serves that? What makes you happy? What allows you to express your uniqueness?
Like a Reflector you need to discuss the decisions in your life with those close to you, not to get their advice, but as a sounding board so you can hear yourself. Listen especially to the tone of your voice.
For all folks with a defined G Center, this is a helpful tip, listen to what you say to find your own direction.
Always ask yourself: is this me? Does this feel like me?
mental aka environment
This is a rare one. Like a Reflector your Authority is outside of your body. You receive guidance from how you feel about the sensory information in your environment. If you feel wrong in the environment then anything created there will also be wrong; this includes contracts, bargains, the exchange of ideas, etc..
You need to always be checking in: Does this environment feel correct for me?
As with all of us, our minds really want to run the show. So, be careful not to let it intervene. Tune in to your spidey sense. For these folks I would never sign a lease site unseen or take a job without visiting the office. You need to feel out the environment to know. How does it feel to you in your body
Again, having some trusty advisors and sidekicks as sounding boards is great. Just remember, and remind them, they’re not there to give advice. Listen to how you sound when workshopping an idea. How do your words and the tone of your voice make you feel.
See Reflector Strategy as your Authority is the same as your Strategy. Double down on the moon. Also read Environment above. Since you are a reflection of your environment, this one can be helpful as well.