the frequency portal

for ancient future technology

I went to my first Healy event with a lot of skepticism and more than a little judgement, if I’m being honest. I was intrigued but also very guarded. At the end of the talk, I was waiting for everyone to finish up and there were two oracle decks on the floor. I drew a card from each. The card I drew from the first deck was around releasing judgment and allowing a new perspective to come through, which made me chuckle. It literally said “the assumptions you are making about another person or event could turn out to be completely wrong”. The card I drew from the second deck blew my mind and cracked something open inside of me. It was a deep moment of remembering. It was called the Architect of the Ancient Future. It spoke of Pyramid Codes, Sacred Sites, Prophecies + Vibrations. It spoke of magic, of star seeds and cosmic gateways. It spoke of connections through time and space and the last line on the ‘channeled message’ was, “I hold rarified frequencies to help transform the world”.

Welcome to the transformation!

our very own mycelium like network

If you found your way here it means you invested in a Healy through me or through someone directly within the weaving of this network. I have long tried to understand the Gate of my Conscious Sun (Gate 44) and how teamwork was to play into my life longterm. It wasn’t until I myself invested in Healy and tapped into the many connections in this incredible community that I began to understand. We are stronger together. And, we are part of a bigger network, which is part of a bigger network and so on and so forth. I wanted to have a space for our more intimate pod, and each of our networks should you choose to build your own. Regardless of whether you invested in your Healy just for you or you plan to share, this is a space for you to come to to find support, videos + other favorite resources from me. Because we are just scratching the surface of what is possible with the intentional use of frequency and playing in the quantum. It is also a place, should you choose to share the gifts of Healy with others, where you can send your people. We are weaving a web and I believe there is no better tool to be working with now based on the ways in which our world is moving. You can find your steps to getting started below as well as a growing library of resources. And please send me your questions and curiosities. Let me know what you're working on whether a health imbalance or something you are co-creating, I’m here to support you + happy to offer guidance.

There is also a new call offered weekly on Mondays through the community called Healy Device 101/Q+A which you can find from the Circle Resources!

brand new? click here to onboard into Circle!

Healy is very protective about the words we use and the ways in which we describe the programs because, especially in America, they love to shut down alternative methods of well-being. So they keep their descriptions SUPER brief and oft vague, unfortunately, like the Bioenergetic Liver program “harmonizes the bioenergetic field of the liver”. 🙃 You can find program books and manuals in your back office under “Tools” (looks like a wrench) and “Downloads”. Marcus (the creator) also speaks a lot about intention and that the reason there are not longer descriptions is because he wants you to explore and play, and follow your intuition, rather than necessarily getting caught up in ideas of story.

That being said, there are also some broader program books floating around which should only be read by yourself and shared with people who invest through you. Because we want to protect Healy as well, so that we can continue enjoying the benefits. Here is a pretty good one to get your started.


supportive monologues


  • You can find a guided journey with supportive practices and prompts around the DEEP CYCLE program in the Frequency Circle community, as well as other trainings.

expert programs

There are so many programs on your Healy. And, if you so choose, you have 12 slots on your Healy for Expert Programs. Some of my favorite programs + bodies of work are these:

Quantum + Frequency Book Recommendations:

healy biz forward vibes for general magic, community + weath creation

There are ongoing journeys, replays and biz support located in the Circle.