some recent love


“I felt deeply understood and held in my session with Amanda B. She offers practical tools and deep insights that feel supportive and tangible. I have felt a size-able shift since my session and feel motivated and excited to align more deeply with my nature. Highly recommend!!!” -Katie, US

“I loved the reading, it was spot on. All the information you have sent is also very valuable and I will fully immerse myself in it. Thanks a lot, love Jetteke.”
- Jetteke, South Africa

“I’ve been part of the B&F collective for over a year and booked a one on one with Amanda to get her insight on my chart and astro. I’m a human design specialist myself (trained with Karen Curry Parker) so I always value what other people see. Amanda really helped me process the shitshow that my life has been for the last couple of years. But more than that she helped me see some new ways forward. She’s truly a genius at this work. Very grateful to have connected with her.” - Joni, US

“I highly recommend diving into your design with Amanda. She is brilliant at weaving these systems. I feel like she illuminated new aspects of my design I wasn't aware of yet, deepening my self-understanding and setting me up with grounded guidance. I am still integrating from our incredible session, and I feel more oriented towards my own (inner) North Star than ever before. Thank you Amanda!”
- Kelly, US

"Amanda has incredible intuition and innate wisdom. her ability to see the whole picture while understanding the intricacies and specfics of what makes us all unique and different is quite profound. She gave an in depth reading with such clarity and compassion that has allow due to dive deep into my Human Design. Very very grateful! Highly recommend working with Amanda.
- Christina, US

“Thank you for your thoughtfulness and professionalism. Your thorough examination of my Astro Chart and Human Design Chart, confirmed many things and gave me food for thought and courage to stay very grateful. Thank You, Amanda!” -Ann, US

“Amanda's ReSET has truly been a blessing! Not only was the 40-day plan an enlightening mental health shift, but I now feel equipped with tools for my ReSET to stick with me for years to come. Amanda's work is a beautiful blend of esoteric and scientific findings. I felt that my plan was personalized and I felt deeply cared for! Amanda started the session with a consultation to learn where I wanted to make shifts in my life. I felt heard and understood, and she asked questions that helped uncover deeper meanings to my reality. I soon after received a thorough, holistic, and attainable plan to help make shifts and create abundance in my life. Everything on my ReSET plan felt doable and sustainable, but what felt the most helpful was 1. someone giving me permission to do things that I normally wouldn't have done and 2. someone holding me accountable for my highest good. I cannot recommend Amanda's ReSET highly enough! If you think you don't have time to do a ReSET plan, I say you don't have time to not do a ReSET plan! I started to create shifts immediately, and I wish I would have started working with Amanda sooner.” - Dr. Emily, US

- Natalie, UK

As a Feeling Cognition, the aesthetic of B + F was the first thing that stood out to me. It felt ethereal yet raw and grounded. After becoming a member of the Collective and listening to hours of the B + F podcast, I booked a session with Amanda. The way she integrates astrology, human design and somatic therapy felt serendipitously aligned with my own journey of healing. Immediately after, I signed up for Quantum Upleveling - a splenic hit which I'm glad I listened to! 

After some health issues over the last year, I decided to pursue a childhood dream, which was to write a fantasy book. My goal in Quantum UpLeveling was to finish the first draft of my book so that I would be part of a writing community. I was struggling with the deconditioning process and thought that the only way to do this was to double down like the Manifesting Generator I wished I was. (Spoiler alert: it didn't work but I did develop insomnia.) 

In the first session with Amanda, she helped me to make sense of the dramatic Capricorn vs Cancer energies in my chart in the context of my creative process and my aspirations, and how healing was inextricable from my purpose. Throughout the program, there were moments of revelation & serendipity that brought me to tears. At the end of the program, I finished a rough outline of my story (overriding the deeply entrenched perfectionism from my Capricorn stellium) and I am now involved in a writing community with authors who I respect and whose work I resonate with. You could say I got what I wanted and what I needed on eight hours of sleep. Thank you Amanda for helping me find a sense of hope <3 

As a practitioner, Amanda always made me feel heard and safe, and she genuinely cared about what was going on with me. She has a fairy-like quality about her and a great sense of humour. Thank you for being so accommodating with the time difference and allowing me to book my sessions after 8 am ;) 

Jade G., Melbourne AUS  


You can also find feedback from working with me 1:1 here and here + feedback on The Collective here.