no. TWO

the SACRAL archetype


A toolbox for



Working with no. 2 support

I invite you to utilize this course in whatever way serves you to get the most value. I would listen to the audios a couple of times and read through all of the content to begin and see what jumps out at you. Maybe you know exactly what you want to dive into or you visit a piece of it everyday working your way through. Another option is grabbing a tool or a few and work with them for 30 days noticing what shifts or doesn’t and then try a new one.

If you’d like to inject some whimsy + have some daily guidance. Here is a 30 Days to a more balanced SACRAL Deck. You can print the pages and cut them into cards; fold them and put them in a bowl, and then draw a card each day to offer you a focus.


No. 2

Anatomy associated with The Sacral: Bladder, Hips, Kidneys, Large Intestine/Colon, Adrenals, Ovaries, Uterus + the fluids of the body.
Related functions: sexual functions, elimination, water regulation.

Element: Water


  • ability to feel into and appreciate the sweetness in life.

  • our ability to be fluid and adaptable.

  • resilience

  • our acceptance and comfortability with change.

  • our ability to exist in groundlessness.

  • giving and receiving pleasure.

  • our relationships + procreation.

  • how we process (or don’t) our emotions / stuffing, suppression, repression of our feelings.

  • physical touch.

  • moon energy.

  • trauma, addiction

  • sexuality

DEFICIENCY:: not enough vital energy in this area from energy leaking. The energy may flow in but there are poor boundaries and can’t be contained like a sink without a plug. It’s important here to create a boundary to contain the energy. Deficiency may lead to a person finding it difficult to know what they’re feeling. Their body may feel rigid or stiff and it may feel difficult to soften or “let go”. Sex may feel like a chore or be emotionally meaningless and physical touch may be devoid of pleasure. And it may feel hard to experience passion around anything. There may be a fear of intimacy with rigid boundaries. One might also fear change and prefer to stay where they are even if it’s uncomfortable because at least it’s familiar. There can be a fundamental disconnect with others and/or with self.

EXCESS: too much energy flowing in, the sink is overflowing. May find issues like poor or non-existent emotional and/or sexual boundaries. These people may give to the point of depleting themselves. Emotions can be extreme and erratic and can be addictive - someone who craves and creates drama. It can also lead to co-dependence.


  • energy can flow in and be contained.

  • good boundaries that aren’t rigid but malleable with circumstances.

  • the ability to flow with life.

  • real sense of intimacy with self and others.

  • healthy boundaries around sex and relationships in place.

  • emotional integrity + equilibrium.

  • adaptable to change.

  • embodied.


JOURNAl prompts

Where is there stagnation in your life? A lack of flow?

Where might you be afraid of change? Failure? Success?

What are you ready to let go of? 

What strong emotions are you holding?

Where can you increase/tap into pleasure in your life?




Artwork: Unknown

Artwork: Unknown

Artwork: Taste of Home

Artwork: Taste of Home



  • water, 1/2 a papaya, banana, scoop of wild frozen blueberries, dragon fruit, spirulina + spoonful of seed butter.


Another way to balance the Sacral is through bright vibrant meals that are colorful and incorporate different preparations and flavor profiles. A Buddah Bowl can be an easy way to incorporate this.

You basically just fill your bowl with 20% protein like salmon, legumes or pseudo grain (like quinoa) or Chickpea noodles and 80% variety of cooked and raw veg! When you do your meal prep day it's good to make different cooked veg to throw in throughout the week with some salad and cultured veggies! You can even balance the six tastes!

Here are some good options but the variations are infinite and great to focus on seasonal ingredients:

- 1/2 avocado

- sliced red radish or watermelon radish

- cherry tomatoes

- roasted root vegetable (sweet pot, yam, parsnip, celery root, etc..)

- steamed broccoli or cauliflower

- shaved bok choy

- snap peas

- sliced cucumber or jicama

- mixed raw greens (especially bitter!)

- roasted mushrooms

- cooked (I love roasted!) or raw cabbage

- roasted brussels sprouts

- beets; I love getting pickled as it saves me some effort

- steamed greens

- live kraut/kimchi

- seaweed

- kale chips

- taro fries

- bitter melon fries

- sautéed/blistered padron peppers

- zucchini fries

- noodles from: squash, kohlrabi, daikon, carrot, cucumber

-cauliflower rice

- roasted fennel

zucchini hummus

Top with:

- shaved fresh hoseradish

- fresh herbs (cilantro/parsley/dill/etc..)

- sprouts

- olives

- pumpkin or sunflower seeds

- walnuts

- micro greens

- black sesame seeds

- olive oil and lemon juice

- pesto

- gomasio

this cheesy sauce

Tahini Dressing

1/2 cup tahini

1/4th tsp sea salt, plus more to taste

1/4th tsp garlic powder

lemon to taste

1/4 cup (80 ml) warm water, plus more as needed


Really easy to make and are a great on the go snack! The apricots, coconut and almonds are all Sacral Chakra foods!! I add a small amount of Maldon's Smoked Salt flakes to mine.

1 cup dried (sulphur free) apricots

1/2 cup dates, pitted

1/2 cup almonds (optionally activated)

1/4 cup coconut flakes

Place all ingredients in food processor and process until well combined. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and press the mixture into a large flat rectangle about 1/2" thick. Chill in the freezer for atleast 30 minutes before cutting into bars. Store in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 1 month. 


One of my favorite seasonings and it's so easy to make yourself and tastes way better than store bought which is often rancid. 

I'm not the best at measuring. I typically wing it but you want about 12 parts sesame to 1 part high quality sea salt.  

So about 1 cup sesame seeds and 1.5- 2 TBSP salt works for me!

*I only use brown or black sesame seeds (and I like to alternate) because white is often bleached.

You want to toast your salt over medium heat in a heavy bottom skillet and set aside. Then toast your sesame seeds until they start popping and brown moving them around regularly and watching them closely so they don't burn. Then you can go classic with a mortar and pestle grinding them down about 90%, releasing the oils, or you can throw them in your grinder or food processor and give them a couple of pulses. Store in the fridge in an air tight container. 

Other recipes

Getting your Flax

Anchovy Pizza

Salmon Burgers

Tumeric Butternut Soup

All the Carrots!

A twist on Avocado Toast!

Persimmon Salad

Seed Cycling Energy Balls

Explore your cravings through these prompts:

Salty: Where might you need more flow/openness in your life? Are you repressing emotions? Have old stored emotions?

Crunchy: What is stressing you out? What feels overwhelming?

Sweet: Do you need more joy and fun in your life?

Spicy: Do you crave intensity? Are you bored or afraid of boredom?

Sour: What do you need to draw attention to? Do you feel scattered? 

Soft: What do you need to do for yourself to feel loved and nurtured? 

I can’t remember where I read this but it can be clarifying when we bring awareness.

Our cravings can be linked to our passions not having an outlet. Are you expressing your creativity?



For a normal day we're meant to drink 1/2 our body weight in ounces. So, if you weigh 120lbs you would need to drink 60 ounces of water/day. This does not mean chugging down 20 ounces of water 3 times a day as our body cannot absorb more than about 4-5 ounces at a time. Your best bet is to fill up your water bottle and sip over the course of the day. I used to set a timer every hour on my phone which was tedious but definitely made me realize how little water I was consuming. Now, there’s an app for that. I also recommend adding a pinch of high quality Pink Himalayan Salt or Sea Salt to your water to help facilitate better absorption + assimilation. Drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up is a great way to start your day followed by a mug of warm lemon water (while you write your Morning Pages). ;)

Artwork: Mama Medicine

Artwork: Mama Medicine

Sacred Bath

Another way to use water for healing is ritual baths. If you don't have a tub, turning it into a foot soak is also deeply healing and restorative as well as soaking in hot springs. For ritual baths it can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. Burning sacred herbs, adding epsom Dead Sea Salt, herbs, crystals and essential oils associated with the Sacral Chakra like: Ylang-Ylang, Jasmine, Clary Sage, Vanilla, Sandalwood, Bergamot, Cardamom and Black Pepper. Check out Mama Medicine for some inspiration!

For a foot soak I love to add Mustard Powder or ginger tea if you tend toward cold feet.


The simple practice of bringing breath into your Sacral.

Meditation on Sensation

Morning Pages


Boundaries Workshop

Shadow Support especially for those triggers that come up in our relationships.

Marie Kondo your space. Emotional and mental hoarding can be tied to actual clutter in your home and office. Clear space. Take a month and every day clear out another drawer, nook or cranny of your spaces. Especially those in your personal directions.

Take yourself on an Artist Date.

Eat to support your cycle. Think eating for Winter during menstruation (soups + stews and iron rich foods like seaweed), Spring for Follicular (lightly steamed and sautéed foods), Summer for Ovulation with salads and more fresh/raw ingredients and Fall for Luteal incorporating more roasted root vegetables and sweet potatoes (for more info: see Woman Code or In The Flo below).

Evening check in to empty out.

Dunk your full body in the ocean.

When you take a shower, imagine washing away all that doesn’t serve you down the drain.

Chant the sound VAM to align and nourish your bodies fluids. Feel it resonate in your Sacral space.

Explore your Human Design or dive deeper with a reading.

Contrast hydrotherapy.
* I end on hot b/c I’m super cold natured + vita.

Dive into creation energy!

Get in touch with the Full Moon!

Wear Orange!

Check out the Sacral Chakra mood board and/or make your own.



A playlist for you. Dancing is incredibly healing for the Sacral. Dance one song a day for 30 days letting your body move how it likes and see what happens. Let the music unravel and unwind you.

My fave olive oil.

I LOVE the Damiana Elixir for the Sacral and also for when we’re too stuck in our minds and need to get into our bodies!

Ocotillo medicine for sacred sexuality

*The film I spoke about!

The Moon Lists

Navigating the Waters Course with Isabel Friend. She also has great recommendations for filters + is basically my most favorite resource for all things water.

Blessing of the Energy Centers Meditation


I create….

I create is a powerful phrase to use in your everyday life. Try replacing “I’m trying to” with “I’m creating” and watch what shifts.

Fear is a universal experience. Even the smallest insect feels it. We wade in the tidal pools and put our finger near the soft, open bodies of sea anemones and they close up. Everything spontaneously does that. It’s not a terrible thing that we feel fear when faced with the unknown. It is part of being alive, something we all share. We react against the possibility of loneliness, of death, of not having anything to hold on to.Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.
— Pema Chödrön, When Things Fall Apart


Lake Titicaca, Peru + Bolivia border

The Sacral Chakra of the Earth

Did you know the Earth has Chakras? My travels through Joshua Tree and Sedona put me in touch with the energetic vortexes that live there and I've always found them to be quite powerful.

Many of these places were designed using sacred geometry. These powerful locations are also connected to eachother through ley lines, invisible lines which intertwine to create an infinity symbol. Similar to our own electromagnetic field, these veins create a grid of energy throughout the planet. Not only that, but many believe they connect us to other planets and constellations creating a greater web of cosmic consciousness. As in working with the energetics of our own aura, many ancient civilizations knew the power of working with these sacred places to connect to greater levels of well being and higher levels of consciousness.