no. Three

the Solar plexus chakra archetype


A toolbox for



Working with no. 3 support

I invite you to utilize this course in whatever way serves you to get the most value. I would listen to the audios a couple of times and read through all of the content to begin and see what jumps out at you. Maybe you know exactly what you want to dive into or you visit a piece of it everyday working your way through. Another option is grabbing a tool or a few and work with them for 30 days noticing what shifts or doesn’t and then experiment with a new one.

If you’d like to inject some whimsy + have some daily guidance. Here is a 30 Days to a more balanced SOLAR PLEXUS Deck. You can print the pages and cut them into cards; fold them and put them in a bowl, and then draw a card each day to offer you a focus.

...people have their phenomena, their facets, their projections, their insecurities, and their fears, a lot of fears. Thats the way this whole world is, angry and upset, because the Third Chakra is not balanced. In life, yes or no, high and low, all is balanced at the Third Chakra; it is a point of pure energy. If you do not know how to balance the Third Chakra, you may have all the degrees, all the knowledge, all the money, all the beauty, but you shall be unhappy, guaranteed. Because it is not what you feel, it is not what you know, it is not what you can do, it is how you can balance it.
— Yogi Bhajan

No. 3

Anatomy associated with The Solar Plexus: stomach, pancreas, adrenals, upper intestines, gallbladder, liver.
Related functions: digestion and assimilation.

Element: Fire


  • our personal power

  • ability to be responsible, self discipline.

  • our self esteem + self respect

  • our ability to have healthy autonomy.

  • fear of rejection

  • oversensitivity to criticism and/or fear of looking foolish.

  • our perception of self and self worth.

  • the alchemy of our dreams into our outer reality.

  • fears around physical appearance

  • fears that others will find out our secrets, imposter syndrome

  • the courage to take risks.

  • the ability to handle a crisis

  • your ability to live authentically

  • generosity.

  • ability to recognize and release emotions

  • inner (sacral/gut) knowing

  • being seen

  • the merging of heart and mind

DEFICIENCY:: not enough vital energy in this area from energy leaking. The energy may flow in but there are poor boundaries and can’t be contained like a sink without a plug. It’s important here to create a boundary to contain the energy. Deficiency may lead to a person lacking confidence, not believing in themselves, experiencing shame, being frozen from fear. It may result in feeling depressed, depleted, having an overall lack of motivation or inspiration, feeling blah. With deficiency one might have a hard time making clear life choices or feel like their life is out of their control. They may be passive or passive aggressive, say yes to something but then don’t fully deliver as a way of expressing themself or quietly build resentment. One might also worry, future predict/fear the future or see change as threatening.

One can develop gastrointestinal issues or weight loss if there is not balance between energy going out and nourishment taken in.

EXCESS: too much energy flowing in, the sink is overflowing. May find issues like narcissism, manipulation, high stress, obsessively goal oriented, all the way up to abuse of power. These folks typically want to succeed at any cost, are fixated on competition, ego-identified and/or unable to see others POV. The excess is really an overcompensation for feelings of inadequacy. This usually comes with a need to be in control of everything.

There can also be weight gain due to, most likely, unconscious feelings of fear, of being truly seen and therefore trying to hide, as a protection from the outside world as well as excess tension in the body.

  • Note that one can experience elements of deficiency and excess at the same time.


  • energy can flow in and be contained.

  • healthy energetic + personal autonomy + trusting that we have the answers, we are our greatest healers (not looking for a guru to tell us how to “fix it”).

  • the ability to stand in your power, self respect + confidence.

  • experiential knowledge of what drains us and what nourishes us.

  • the ability to generate action.

  • an acceptance of one own ‘imperfections’, finding the beauty in our ‘flaws’.

  • to be authentically ourselves.

  • tapping into generosity without fear of scarcity.

  • you have the capacity to hold space for what you are calling in/manifesting.

We ‘reorder’ our lives when we choose Spirit over the illusions of physical circumstances. With each choice we make, we either become more involved in the illusory physical world, or we invest energy into the power of Spirit. Each of the seven chakras represents a different version, or manifestation of this one essential lesson. Each time we choose to enhance our internal power, we limit the authority of the physical world over our lives, bodies, health, minds and spirit. From an energy point of view, every choice that enhances our spirits strengthens our energy field; and the stronger our energy field, the fewer connections to negative people and experiences.
— Anodea Judith


JOURNAl prompts

  • Do you like you? Are you taking active steps to change things you may not like about yourself and/or your life?

  • Are you able to receive constructive criticism? Do you seek outside approval/validation?

  • Are you able to create change in your life and stick with it?

  • Would you consider yourself critical?

  • Do you fear responsibility in any way?

  • Are you able to truly experience happiness in the moment?

  • How can you shift your focus more to your contribution rather than accomplishment? Accomplishment being more outcome oriented.

  • Is there anywhere in your life you need to take a risk?

  • Are there ways in which you shame yourself?

  • Do you feel connected to your inner fire? Are you able to stand in your power?

  • Do you respect your strengths and weaknesses?

  • What in your life lights you up, energizes you and where might you be leaking energy? What feels draining?


The Solar Plexus
Sickness starts from negative emotions settling in the organs. The inner smile breaks this cycle. It removes the cause and symptoms of disharmony by transforming destructive emotions into positive energy.
— Mantak Chia, Taoist Master
Inner Smile Meditation


Artwork: Unknown

Artwork: Unknown




16oz. nut/seed/oat or coconut milk (full fat is best - or I like to use oat milk and then blend in a tbsp of coconut manna which also gives it a latte like consistency 🙌)
thumb of fresh turmeric or 1 TSP ground
1/4 tsp. ground ginger or a grated thumb of fresh
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon or warm with one cinnamon stick
1 TBSP coconut manna or grassfed ghee (optional if using full fat coconut milk)
5 whole black peppercorns or pinch of ground pepper

1 date or stevia to taste

Blend in high speed blender or whisk to combine if not using fresh ginger/tumeric, peppercorns or date(s). Heat over medium heat in saucepan until hot to the touch but not boiling. Serve immediately.


Quart of filtered water

3 lemons squeezed

stevia to taste

pinch of Himalayan pink salt

Dropper chlorophyll (optional)


Serves: 6

4 large clove of garlic, peeled and finely chopped

2 medium yellow onions, finely diced

1 TBSP avocado or coconut oil / or ghee

2 cups brown and/or yellow lentils thoroughly washed

1 cup fresh corn pieces

3-4 carrots sliced

3 large yellow potatoes, cut into 1 inch cubes

1/4 tsp cumin

2 tsp. curry powder

Sea salt to taste

10 cups of vegetable or chicken broth

In a small saucepan, heat garlic and onions in oil over medium heat until soft. In a large stock pot, add broth and all ingredients. Simmer and stir occasionally for atleast one hour. Serve warm. Freeze unused portions. 

From: Chakra Foods for Optimum Health - Minich

I have already settled it for myself so flattery and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free.
— Georgia O'Keefe


desert sun


Breath of Fire is a rapid breath through the nose into the solar plexus. Two cycles per second is about the right speed. In out, in out in one second. Originate the muscle pumping movement from your solar plexus, focusing on an equal inhale + exhale. Let the breath just flow in and out by itself. Your Solar Plexus will naturally pump (in on the exhale, out on the inhale). This is a great 1-5 minute/day practice.


Sit cross-legged on the floor. Raise both arms to out to a “T” and bend at the elbows so your forearms are vertical (cactus pose) and touch the first finger and thumbs of each hand (rest of fingers pointed up) - or -bring fingertips and thumb to tops of shoulders. Now rotate your entire upper body at the waist to the left as you breathe in and then to the right as you breathe out. Go back and forth in this motion for thirty to sixty seconds. Also a great daily practice.


“Actually, without the activity of this point, everybody lives in a dungeon. Life means nothing, and so we have substitute sensations, drama, trauma, and problems. We are slaves to our minds because this third point doesn’t balance life, and so we start thinking, Why?

… that purity, that power, that pure power is in your Navel Point. You can’t but it, and you can’t sell it; and I cannot give you, and you cannot take it. But I will give you the technological knowledge through which you can initiate it so that it will start working for you. What will that mean ultimately? I am not saying that there will be no problems, I am not saying that there will be no rush, I am not saying that there will not be scandals, I am not saying anything, but you will be untouched. You can sit like a lotus, in the muddy waters, and enjoy life - that is the power of the Third Chakra.” - Yogi Bhajan

Mantra: Hamee Ham, Brahm Ham (We are we, we are God.) You can chant along with this version. Also good to play in the background or while you sleep.

Mudra: Your hands are in prayer pose in front of your Solar Plexus, but not touching your body. Feel every part of the hand meeting in balance. Forearms are parallel to the floor.

Movement: Your hands pulse together as you pull the naval center in, like a heartbeat. There are two pulses of the navel point for every repetition of the mantra; so one pull + press on Hamee Ham and a second pulse + press on Brahm Ham.

Time: 11 minutes

To finish: Inhale and pull the navel up and in (diaphragm lock) and press the tip of the tongue to the upper palate with intention to anchor your practice. Exhale. Repeat twice more.

Sat Nam.


Rise to meet challenges. Every time you do, you strengthen and raise your vibration.

The Manifestation work from Clarity is key for this Chakra. Creating goals + actionable steps, and then taking those steps.

If you feel you have excess Solar Plexus Energy then focus on strengthening the other chakras. Maybe you need to create more flow (Sacral) or ground your energy (Root).

Let go of your need to feel “safe” or any attachment to a false sense of security.

Work with your anger.

Laugh at yourself.

Morning Pages


Listen to Nadine Artemis on The Sun

Boundaries Workshop for greater healthy energetic autonomy. (you can also access as a member of The Collective)

Shadow Support especially for limiting beliefs, shame, etc.. (you can also access as a member of The Collective)

Chant the vowel sound “ah” feeling the vibration in your Solar Plexus imagining warmth and golden sunshine radiating at the center.

Do a gentle liver cleanse.

What films, books, etc.. contain people who are powerful in your mind, especially ones similar to you. Watch them and get inspired!

Check out the Solar Plexus Chakra mood board and/or make your own.


My favorite GF bread.

Take a probiotic. I really enjoy this coconut yogurt! This is also a very good line of high potency, highly effective probiotics. I’m currently taking this one.

Magnesium Glycinate +/or Oxide (for when you need to get things moving in your intestinal track). I recommend Magnesium Glycinate daily and Oxide for intervention.

Sunlight Alarm Clock

Blessing of the Energy Centers Meditation from Joe Dispenza.


I do enough. I am more than enough.

I accept myself and stand confidently in my power.

I respect differences and express my identity without imposing my will upon others.

I am in harmony with all I see.

I live in integrity. 

It is safe to stand in my power.

I am powerful.

When I strengthen my constitution I can hold space for my desires.

Additional POSTURES

Sat Kriya

Stretch Pose

Bow Pose

Diaphragm Lock

Boat w/ Twists

Reverse Plank

Camel Pose

Plank Pose

Flame Gazing Meditation

Meditate on your (strong) inner fire, incinerating anything that doesn’t serve your highest good.


Uluru, Australia

The Solar Plexus Chakra of the Earth

Did you know the Earth has Chakras? My travels through Joshua Tree and Sedona put me in touch with the energetic vortexes that live there and I've always found them to be quite powerful.

Many of these places were designed using sacred geometry. These powerful locations are also connected to eachother through ley lines, invisible lines which intertwine to create an infinity symbol. Similar to our own electromagnetic field, these veins create a grid of energy throughout the planet. Not only that, but many believe they connect us to other planets and constellations creating a greater web of cosmic consciousness. As in working with the energetics of our own aura, many ancient civilizations knew the power of working with these sacred places to connect to greater levels of well being and higher levels of consciousness.