nervous system + emotions

f o r p r o s p e r i t y

*check back periodically as I often add more support to my portals.


The series

  1. 10 minutes stream of consciousness feeling forward no judgement or shame or filtering over sharing JOURNALING

  2. a few minutes of MOVEMENT to process the feels

  3. a few minutes to one page of POSITIVE ASPECT/GRATITUDE/DEAR LOVE WRITING



  • How am I really feeling right now? Why do I feel{insert emotion - see feelings wheel}?

  • What feeling is at the forefront when I tune in?

  • What has been triggering me of late?

  • What is still carrying an emotional charge from my past or childhood?

  • What are the day to day things stressing me out?

  • Write a letter to someone who has hurt you, pissed you off or disappointed you with all of the things you want to say to them.

  • What around your personality has some feels attached; eg; people pleasing or needing to get it right or be perfect, etc… and how does it make you feel?

  • An old share on purging.

from your chart + Bodygraph

  • What is making me feel (insert your Not Self)? / What is keeping me from feeling? (insert your Emotional Theme)??

    Generator + Man Gen: Frustration / Satisfaction

    Manifestor + Man Gen: Anger / Peace

    Projector: Bitterness / Success

    Reflector: Disappointment /Surprise

  • What are my personal fear gates and how might I feel triggered around these?

  • House themes

  • Do you have any of the Solar Plexus Gates?

member links

I am affecting the health of my body by choosing the feelings or emotions that will occupy and influence it. Being a psychologist, I am aware of the folly of denying feelings and blocking emotions. I am careful not to do that. If I need to cry, I cry. If I need to shout, I shout. If I want to laugh, I laugh and so on. What I will no longer do is to run the negative thoughts or feelings over and over again in my mind. I am learning to release it quickly. If the feelings are difficult to simply release, as they often seem to be, I will make a conscious decision to re-channel the energy through one mean or another. One method of re-channeling energy is accomplished through physical action.
— Joan Ocean

movement inspo + playlists


postive aspect journaling

Positive Aspect Morning pages

I heard about this particular way of journaling through Esther/Abraham Hicks and I really love it as a spin on typical gratitude lists (which I also love).

When it comes to co-creation we want to use mindfulness to constantly keep coming back in our minds to the positive, to source, to high vibration thoughts and we can reach for tools like this, gratitude journaling or abundance journaling which I speak about here to help get us, and keep us marinating in the vortex as often as possible after we have taken the time to move the feels first. We are not attempting to ignore our real feels, we are facing them head on and then we are bringing ourselves back to the energy we want to cultivate.

You can free form or you can pick a category (maybe it’s related to your purge or something completely different) of your life like: home, relationship(s), career, wellness, abundance, support, resourcing, recognition, family, self, etc… and write a page (or a list of 8-10) of all of the positive aspects; what do you love about your home, your body, your relationships? Focus on all of the things that are working, that are exactly how you want them to be, feel into it, milk it.


When working with this I often check in in the evening to kind of see how I did throughout the day bringing this practice off the page. As I shared in the class, bringing mindfulness to where I am feeling triggered and processing my emotions. If I know that I did not take the time to feel my way through a moment I will do so now at my end of day before I hop into bed.

And then, was I able to focus on the aspects of my life that I love and are working. For instance, I often think of Freedom as one of the main themes I move toward in my life. I can easily focus on all the ways I’m not totally there yet but when I started doing the positive aspect writing I realized there are loads of ways in my life currently (big and small) that I feel free, as well as bridge manifestations. I can bring these into my day and shift my focus to them anytime I find myself going off on a negative spiral or just to amplify what I want to create more of.

At the end of the day I take note of where I may have veered off, bring mindfulness and awareness if there’s anything I need to process or move through so I can release any negativity, and take note of all the ways my positive aspects were fed throughout the day, similar to the abundance journaling. What were the ways I felt free, abundant, supported, loved, successful, valued etc.. etc.. This helps put me in a positive headspace before bed, and, afterwards can be a good time to daydream about what you want to create and cultivate in the future as you drift off since this liminal time is a POWERFUL space for manifestation.

next level, Dear love…

I love this practice shared by Liz Gilbert and think two way prayer is a beautiful addition to daily journaling. I would recommend as with the positive aspect doing the purge first and then following it with this practice. This is an incredible tool for strengthening your intuition, and depending your connection to Source, your Spirit team +/or your Higher Self.


  • What would you have me know today?

  • How do you want me to move through this?

  • Who do you want me to serve?

  • Who do you want me to be in this moment?

  • What would you have me do next? What is my next right action.

additional resources