Shadow + the 12th



We often think about the twelfth house as a challenging space but it also has MUCH to offer. It is the realm of the unseen worlds, the Akashic Records, of creative inspiration, of mystery, healing, transcendence, getting closure, endings + beginnings, link to past and future, dreams, fantasy, psychic abilities, connection to our guides, inner knowing, our spiritual life, to Source, Wholeness and Oneness as well as our talents and resources connected to the Underworld + the ones we may not yet be aware of.


The twelfth is the domain of all things we repress or reject about ourselves which is essentially the definition of Shadow making this a resonant connection to explore, and ally, when doing ANY Shadow work. Some specific Shadows that are associated with the twelfth house are: karmic wounds we carry along our ancestral line, chronic illness, suffering, unconscious default settings, habits, motivations + patterns, illusion + escapism, how we can feel lost, addiction, victim mentality, self pity, self undoing + self destructive tendencies as well as how + what we project onto others.


There are many ways we can dance with the energy of the 12th like through meditation, shadow work, devotional practices, shamanic journeying, yoga, astrology, tarot, therapy, being of service, solitude, breathwork, sacrifice, ecstatic dance, art + creativity, nature, crystals, Nidra, our spiritual body + relationship(s), flower essences, allowing for multidimensionality, connecting to your soul, etc..

exploring your twelfth

The twelfth house is the realm of your Unconscious. When we don’t shine the light of our awarness on what is lurking in the dark these parts of ourself can become distorted, acting out in their low vibrations, driving our life in ways unknown to us. When we bring our attention + we heal and transmute these energies they become strengths + gifts that serve our highest good.

  1. What Sign is on the cusp of your 12th House? How does this energy relate to your psychological needs? What hidden strengths and weaknesses may exist for you here? What energy is repressed/goes unexpressed?

    What element is of that Sign?

    Fire: What needs healing in your spiritual body and associated with your life’s direction (see Nodes + Incarnation Cross)?

    Earth: What needs healing in your physical body and the ways you are resourced?

    Water: What needs healing when it comes to your emotional body + expresssed/unexpresed/felt/unfelt feelings?

    Air: What needs healing in your mental body, mental patterns + your ability to communicate and relate to others?

  2. What planet rules the Sign of your 12 House? For example if your 12th House is in Taurus, where is Venus in your natal chart? Explore this House(s) in connection to what areas of your life/environment(s) may connect you to the experiences you need in order to heal. Is there any fear associated with the significations of this House that gets in your way, that may require action anyway? Do you have any inhibitions associated with this area of your life (eg; imposter syndrome)?

  3. What body parts are associated with this Sign? Have you experienced any dis-ease or imbalance in these areas?

  4. Do you have any planets in the 12th (and therefore gates)? How do the topics of these planet(s) (and gates) illustrate parts of you which may present unconsciously, may be repressed or cause suffering in their low vibe(s)? May desire introversion? Are there any traumas associated with these archetypes that need attention/healing? What hidden talents might you not recognize about yourself within these archetypes?

    The Houses ruled by these planets can offer additional containers or environments where talents + gifts may be hidden until healing takes place in these areas. (eg; you have your Moon in the 12th - look to the House with Cancer on the cusp - what are its significations and how does that relate here).

    You might also explore your Unconscious plants in the 12th house (through AstroHD) since the container is so connected to the unconscious/subconscious.

    ** If you have your Sun and/or Moon in the 12th you are here to illuminate the mysteries of life in some way through your connection to Spirit.

Bring anything that comes up through resonant tools within SHADOW.

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