celestial bodies

the what

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the Universe, so the Soul.
— Hermes Trismegistus

Explore your planets in relationship to their placements: Sign, House, Gates, Channels, Centers + relationships to eachother (below). Dive deeper in The Meeting Ground.



Human Design: Life’s Work, Vitality + Life Force, Radiance, Personality, First Impressions

Astro: the Soul Having a Human experience. Awareness. Self Expression. The Light. Intellect. Masculine. Public Reputation + Identity. Reception. Illuminator. Vital Life Force. Purpose. Synchronicity. Personality. Where You are Meant to Shine. How You Lead. Health + Vitality.

Rules: Leo
Exhaltation: Aries
Detriment: Aquarius
Fall: Libra
Primary Organ: Heart / Secondary Organ: Blood, Head
System: Circulatory
Endocrine: Pineal
Stones: Ruby, Sunstone, Pyrite
Mineral Gold
Joy: Ninth House
Tarot: The Sun
Mythology: Apollo


Human Design: Driving Force. Motivating Force. Heart. Inner Nature. Pushes us toward the gifts and lessons of our Sun. Emotions + Feels. The why behind our Strategy.

Astro: the Body. Reflects the light of the Sun/Distributor of Life Force. Conception. Perception. Security. Home. How We Feel Nourished. Foresight + Intuition. The Divine Feminine. Feminine. Fruition. Our needs. Emotional Intelligence + Temperament. Memory.

Rules: Cancer
Exhaltation: Taurus
Detriment: Capricorn
Fall: Scorpio
Primary Organ: Brain / Secondary Organ: Stomach
System: Nervous
Endocrine: Pituitary
Stones: Moonstone, Opal, Pearl
Mineral: Silver
Joy: Third House
Tarot: The High Priestess
Mythology: Luna, Selene

Planets are energy, and energy can be neither created nor destroyed, only changed in form.
— Steven Forrest



Human Design: Grounding + What Grounds You. Balance. Stability. Receiving. Integrating. A good place to look for healing.


Human Design: Communication. Thinking. How we mentally process. Sharing. Expression.
Body: insight into the why we want to communicate what we want to communicate.
Mind: what we are here to communicate.

Astro: Speech. Communication. Language. Expression. Your Truth. Messages. Ideas + Inspirations. Learning. Processing. How We Listen. How We Process Mentally + Think Things Through. Intellect. Speed. Duality. Clarity.

Rules: Gemini + Virgo
Exhaltation: Virgo
Detriment: Sagittarius + Pisces
Fall: Pisces
Primary Organ: Lungs / Secondary Organ: Mind
System: Respiratory + Nervous
Endocrine: Thyroid
Stones: Emerald, Peridot, Turquoise, Moldavite, Agate, Aquamarine
Mineral: Mercury
Joy: First House, also happy in Third House
Tarot: The Magician
Mythology: Mercury, Hermes

~ 1 year to transit around the Zodiac.


Human Design: Values. Interpersonal relationships. How you love.
MInd: the basic moral dilemma we face in this life, where to exercise moral clarity.

Astro: The Feminine. What you Desire from Love + Relationships. Intimacy. Beauty. Attraction. Luxury. Desire + Pleasure. What You Value. What + How You Love. Self Worth. Money. Understanding. Realization.

Rules: Taurus + Libra
Exhaltation: Pisces
Detriment: Aries + Scorpio
Fall: Virgo
Primary Organ: Kidneys / Secondary Organ: Bladder
System: Genitourinary
Endocrine: Thymus
Stones: Rose Quartz, Diamonds
Mineral: Copper
Joy: Fifth House
Tarot: The Empress
Mythology: Venus, Aphrodite

~ 2 years to fully transit around the Zodiac.


Human Design: Energy dynamics. How you deal with life. Where we might be impulsive. Assertion. Action.

Astro: Courage. Ambition. Drive. Passion. Power. Energy + Stamina (and expenditure). Our Relationship to Anger + Healthy Aggression. Determination. Willpower. Survival. Destruction. Warrior vibes. How You Actualize Your Desires + Pursue Your Vision. Your Tactics. How You Assert Yourself. Sexuality.

Rules: Aries + Scorpio
Exhaltation: Capricorn
Detriment: Libra + Taurus
Fall: Cancer
Primary Organ: Gallbladder / Secondary Organ: Blood
System: Immune
Endocrine: Pancreas
Stones: Tigers Eye, Carnelian, Coral
Mineral: Iron
Joy: Sixth House
Tarot: The Tower
Mythology: Mars, Aries

~ 2 years to fully transit around the Zodiac.


Human Design: Laws of protection. Luck. Inner laws + finding our own laws. Structure. Blessings. Expansion. Abundance. Find your authenticity with this energy. Learn your lessons with Saturn to extract the blessings of your Jupiter.

Astro: Money. Expansion. Wisdom/Experiential Knowledge. Higher Learning. Travel + Airports. Quests + Journeys. Abundance. Creation. Optimism. Adventure + exploration. Growth. Luck. Expansion. Gratitude. What you believe. Philosophy + Faith. The places in our chart natally or by transit where there is an ability to bounce back. Taking up space.

Rules: Sagittarius + Pisces
Exhaltation: Cancer
Detriment: Gemini + Virgo
Fall: Capricorn
Primary Organ: Liver / Secondary Organ: Gallbladder
System: Metabolic
Endocrine: Testes / Ovaries
Stones: Amber, Topaz, Citrine
Mineral: Tin
Joy: Eleventh House
Tarot: Wheel of Fortune
Mythology: Jupiter, Zeus

~ 12 years to fully transit around the Zodiac.


Human Design: Challenge. Catalyst for growth. Responsibilities. Where you are vulnerable. Energy to Uplevel to Reach Blessings from Jupiter.

Astro: Possessions. Things That Last. Anchor. Truth. Harvest + Scarcity. Concretizing Into Form. Discipline. Devotion. Chores, Tasks + Action Steps. Work. Consistency. Delayed Gratification. Restriction + Limitation. Tradition. Integrity. Priorities. Morality. Your Backbone. Where You Learn to Persist. Where You Have/Need Responsibility. Growth. Accountability. Maturation. Mountain(s) to Climb. Life + Karmic Lessons. Contraction. Commitment. Pragmatism.

Rules: Capricorn + Aquarius
Exhaltation: Libra
Detriment: Cancer + Leo
Fall: Aries
Primary Organ: Spleen / Secondary Organ: Bones + Joints
System: Skeletal
Endocrine: Adrenals
Stones: Black Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, Hematite
Mineral: Lead
Joy: Twelfth House
Tarot: The World
Mythology: Saturn, Cronus

~ 28 years to fully transit around the Zodiac. Some view Saturn as an outer planet as well. Transits by Saturn can definitely feel more potent similar to outer planet transits.





Illusion. Spiriitualtiy. Imagination. Inspiration. Art + Creativity. Dreams. Where you need to surrender. Allow for mystery + the unknown. Spiritual growth. Intuition. Emergence. Confusion/The Veil. Idealism. Mystic. Generational.
Tarot: The Hanged Man, Magician
Mythology: Neptune, Poseidon

~ 164 years to fully transit around the Zodiac.


Uniqueness. Chaos. Innovation. Disruption + Revolution. Individuality. Unexpected changes. Reversals. Catalyst for evolution. Eccentricity. Freedom. Awakenings + Enlightenment. Conception. Generational.
Tarot: The Fool
Mythology: Uranus, Caelus

~ 84 years to fully transit around the Zodiac.


Truth. Transformation. Death + Rebirth. Karma. Sex. Psychology. Sit with the Truth of This Energy. Endings + beginnings. Shadow. Power Dynamics. Renewal. Revolution. Growth through challenge, Where your Soul Evolves. Intensity. Generational.
Tarot: Judgement
Mythology: Pluto, Hades

~ 240 years to fully transit around the Zodiac.

*Generational = focus more on house placements as well as the transits by these planets to your natal personal planets.


ASCENDANT ANGLE or RISING - very personal to you, how you look, motivation, guide, what you want to be known for. The ruler of your AS can offer you direction (the planet that rules the sign).

IMUM COLEI ANGLE - your roots, home, family, inner world.

DESCENDANT ANGLE - relationships.

MIDHEAVEN ANGLE - your career, goals + ambitions, social standing, who you are in the public eye.

CHIRON - how you heal.

NORTH NODE - future direction and environment, how you develop in your current life, where you’re going on your journey, your compass. Gonna feel uncomfortable when you first start to look at it. Your destination.

SOUTH NODE - past direction and environment, how you developed in your past life/early life, challenges and gifts you bring in from past lives, where you came from. Typically a comfy cozy default energy.

CERES - how you take care of yourself

PALLAS - your relationships

JUNO - beauty and influences

VESTA - your potential and your organization

LILITH - your hidden emotions

major aspects

the relationships + conversations they have with eachother

This is not static energy but a dance that we can leverage + honor in order to create more ease + greater opportunities. It is another layer of ‘the how’.

The nature of an aspect does not alter the intrinsic energy of two planets involved. It simply indicates whether their contact is easily integrated into the whole of the psyche or whether some conscious effort at adjustment is required. It is the contact which is important Every factor on a birth chart is in delicate balance with every other factor, and the key to the individual’s understanding of himself appears to lie in his capacity to find an effective use for all his random bits and pieces so that they function as the whole unit necessary for the fulfillment of his purpose in life.
— Liz Greene

CONJUNCTION: This is what happens at a New Moon when the Moon is conjunct the Sun. The energies are essentially fused. When you activate one, the other is also coming along. It is essentially 2 energies as one. This is truer the tighter the orb but a planet is considered conjunct another when they are within 10* of each other (depending on who you talk to :)
Both planets at 12 o’clock.

TRINE: This is when 2 planets are 4 signs apart or 120*. Trines create harmony in that relationships. These planets work well together and bestow blessings without much effort from you. These are innate gifts that are pretty easily accessible and support you receive without having to really bring much awareness or focus to it.
One planet at 12 o’clock and the other at 4 o’clock.
Trines are Jupiter in nature.

SEXTILE: This is when 2 planets are 2 signs apart or 60*. This is also a sweet energy but unlike a trine does require a bit of awareness to access the gifts + blessings. They are places of opportunity should you choose to bring your attention + work with them.
One planet at 12 o’clock and the other at 2 o’clock.
Sextiles are Venusian in nature.


Artwork: Lara Zankoui

OPPOSITION: This is when 2 planets are 180* apart, on opposite sides. There is tension, a tug of war or see-saw energy always trying to find balance with both kind of competing for the attention. It’s one of those challenges that feels like two sides of the same coin + requires some awareness to find its happy equilibrium always. This often plays out externally in our world in some way. A good place to look at the elemental quality and the modes of the Signs at play as well.
One planet at 12 o’clock and one at 6 o’clock.
Oppositions are Saturnian in nature.

SQUARE: This is when 2 planets are 3 signs apart or 90*. These present challenges and obstacles in our lives as well as places for great evolution + transformation. These are our growth edges and they can bring blessings as well, can make us stronger + more whole when we face them. These are the arguments that go round and round, that require compromise, for us to see both perspectives. When we don’t we will keep repeating patterns that do not serve us. This is often an internal struggle, an inner tension, fueled by default settings, negative self talk and outward manifestations + patterns that reinforce it (as above so below, as within so without). Again look to the element + mode as well. More on squares.
One planet at 12 o’clock and one at 3 o’clock.
Squares are Mars in nature.

INCONJUNCT OR QUINCUNX: When 2 planets are 5 signs or 150* apart. These are areas of discord that require our mindfulness + effort to bring harmony to the relationship. It is like two parts or ourselves that don’t really get, or mesh well, with each other. Seek to express these planet’s (and signs) needs and urges at their highest vibrations.
One planet at 12 o’clock and one at 5 o’clock.


***a 3* orb is considered the orb of intensity and will be most felt and impactful when it comes to all aspects.

Sometimes especially with separating aspects, once we are through our first Saturn Return, we have somewhat “dealt with/learned some of the lessons we need to” and are hopefully not carrying forward patterns that do not serve us. In essence challenging separating aspects might feel less problematic to work with moving forward.

To get more specific with orbs + address some outliers:
Maybe extend to a 5* orb for applying when it comes to Mercury, Venus + Mars.
Sun 15* invisibility, 8* combustion // 5-7* applying maybe bit shorter separating.
Moon 13* especially applying, separating 7-8*.

When going another layer deeper and speaking about whether the aspect is applying or separating in the natal chart we follow The Chaldean order of planetary quickness which is from slowest to fastest: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and finally the Moon, the faster planet being the one creating the aspect (applying or separating).

In general stick with the smaller orb for separating aspects.

When looking at transits. The transiting planet is aspecting the natal planet.