being bounteous
your genetic recipe for differentiation
“Doing the right work also ensures our health. When we do what we love, then we feel the breath of inspiration moving within us. We have the most magical experiences of being a vessel for the creative evolutionary impulse. We feel alive and excited by the challenges of each day, and the by-product is our physical health. This is the most essential definition of prosperity - to be alive. To be alive is to feel grateful for each experience and each day of our relatively short lives. It is this outpouring of gratitude that is the basis of health + prosperity. When we cave into life, when we forget why we are here, when we lose our sense of perspective, then we cease to feel grateful. There is always someone somewhere in a worse predicament than ours, and there is always someone handling the depths of their suffering with grace. Gratitude is perhaps the greatest of all human attributes - it is the oxygen of your soul. You are alive, therefore your are already prospering. ”
UNconscious mars
We have explored this gate from a different perspective in the Inner Path of the Meeting Ground as our Core Wound. Much like profit/open centers we find that within our most profound challenges are our most sacred treasures. This emphasizes that actualizing our genius through our vocation requires undoing our own conditioning + moving through our own healing. We find inner strength + stability through facing our challenges and deeply accepting ourselves.
And, it’s no surprise this energy is associated with Mars as it is about taking action that is both courageous + vulnerable, about initiative (through our Strategy + Authority of course), about fully stepping into our magnificence, into the full expression of our birthright. It is our work, as an extension of our purpose, the outer expression of our core talent.
Rudd says this placement may actually deserve our deepest contemplation as there is “hidden meaning that will radiate out into your life as you peel open its insights”.
Look at your Unconscious Mars gate through this new lens here + read about it in the Gene Keys book if you have it.
The Shadow here is really in the absence of the energy itself. When we are not doing what we love, not following our vocation, we are in Shadow. It is tied to our Core Wound and our ability to heal within as well as our belief that we can prosper doing what we enjoy, or maybe we just keep putting it off for another time.
These shadows reveal the inner work we will repeat over and over until we have fully integrated and accepted it. This comes from fully opening our heart to this challenge. Every time we recognize and become aware of a Shadow and we accept and embrace it, we unlock another gift within our DNA.
This isn’t something to be fixed and then move on. These are the challenges we face over and over in our life. The healing that isn’t linear but a spiral, we circle back around, heal on a deeper level, unlock another gift. The more we continue to open and accept, the deeper we go and the more shadows and gifts we are able to reach.
This is the embodiment of as below, so above; as within, so without. The internal unpacking is represented in our outer reality.
“Your Gifts are like wormholes that reconcile the opposites inside you; not though any attainment, but through a clear perception and embodiment of their creative potential. ”
The Gift here is actualized through devotion + courage, through stretching ourselves past our comfort zone. Imagine your life revolving around this Gift like the hub of a wheel.
As you work with your Shadow, it is important to hold its Gift (and Highest Vibration) in the same container, to lean in.
The HIGHEST VIBRATION is essentially attained enlightenment. It is said that the act of seeking enlightenment is still a form of shadow. I touch briefly on the highest vibration b/c I think it’s a seed we plant toward spiritual realization. It’s not something we try to attain. When we reach for it, we are playing into Shadow.
“When you read your specific lines you need to bear this in mind - we are not designed to prosper in isolation. That is mistaking wealth for prosperity. Wealth is exclusive. Prosperity is inclusive because it sees beyond selfishness, and looks toward a future in which we all cooperate with each other for the sake of the whole. ”
The line for this energy is the number after the decimal point of the gate. So if the number in the eighth box down on the left red column says 44.2, then your Unconscious Mars is in gate 44, line 2. You would read the line of your Gate below and the line associated with your Gate.
Line 1
Key characteristics: the creative, the midwife, a channel for the new.
Cultivate: the courage to share new approaches, innovations, messages and paradigms.
Be mindful: of getting caught up in self doubt
take time on your own to give space for ideas to come through.
look to the Gate for how/where your creativity is meant to show up.
stay in service of your message + find the right allies to help usher your ideas into the world.
Line 2
Key characteristics: sharing, impact through cultivated relationships, karmic connector, agent.
Cultivate: contacts + one-on-one relationships, effortlessness.
Be mindful: of purifying your own heart so you connect with the right aligned soul group.
how might you guide the flow of information
work creatively with others + keep your eyes open for what you feel will have the most impact, the things you want to get behind + shine a light on.
Line 3
Key characteristics: those that drive the project to success, efficiency, helping those in need
Cultivate: your talent to assess, plan, streamline + implement in a direction of Universal alignment and flow, having your hand in all of the elements of a project.
Be mindful: of burn-out, workaholism, wealth obsession (wealth vs. prosperity), an addiction to money.
learn through self-discovery
a part of you needs to be part of the mainstream, in the mix of the culture and happenings so that you are in tune with the current pulse.
often thrive living amongst the people, urban environments and/or working as part of a group.
Line 4
Key characteristics: spokesperson, director, sales.
Cultivate: your ability to overcome fears + create more openness and to be an example of those things - helping others to do the same (this may include shaking people from their comfort zones into a new place), your ability to guide a project and the people involved in service of a collective vision.
Be mindful: of transmuting any fears of stepping into the role of spokesperson, to only ‘sell/promote’ things that share your spirit
your skills of diplomacy and focus are helpful when working with others.
time alone to balance out interactions with community.
connect to + express what you love.
Line 5
Key characteristics: leaders, change makers, new structures + ways of being, making dreams a reality.
Cultivate: sacred commerce (change ‘business’ from the inside out), the future you want for the world
Be mindful: of being of service to the greater good, of keeping a light touch to your leadership style + trusting in natures ability to organize itself as well.
ask yourself what is the highest service you can perform for humanity and/or the Earth.
overseeing the whole project/message + figuring out how to deliver it to as many people as possible.
Line 6
Key characteristics: philanthropy, investment in what you feel will do the most good
Cultivate: the courage + presence to share ideals that are still not fully of this world, the long-term view, the vision of where we’re going, generosity.
Be mindful: of serving a vision beyond yourself + even this generation.
choose who + where to invest your time, energy, money to bring forth the most positive change in the world.
trust that you will attract the right cosmic relationships/teams to achieve remarkable things.
*Regardless of what Line you carry in your definition, you will most likely find wisdom in each of these aspects. They all serve their purpose as part of the whole + work together to serve the whole.
If you want to know the House of your Unconscious Design you can get a membership to Genetic Matrix. This is the software I use. Or you can grab a snapshot here of all of your Houses.
“The creative process is a spiritual path. This adventure is about us, about the deep self, the composer in all of us, about originality, meaning not that which is new, but that which is fully and originally ourselves. ”
The question to keep asking yourself again and again is: How can I be of the greatest service to the collective? To the whole?
How can I open my heart up more to life?
How does the energy of this gate relate to your work?
What are the ways it can be simple? Rudd says it is “about prosperity through simplicity. The answer is so simple it is usually staring us in the face. We just have to be bold enough to see it”.
Meditate on these energies. Sit and breathe. Let it roll around in your mind like a marble.
Get creative. Write a story or poem, collage, sing, choreograph, dance, cook, daydream, walk in nature, sit with the trees, start a convo, paint, create from this energetic space.
Embodying the Feeling of Prosperity through Our Physical Body - The Spine (Strength + Flexibility)
Visit Deconditioning Support
Read over this and your gates info multiple times, contemplate the information here and there. What does it mean to you? How does the Shadow show up in your life? The gifts? How can you hold space for the highest vibration?
Get clear on your Shadows here through the tools in Cultivate Awareness in the Shadow module.
Explore other potential Shadows in the center where this gate stems from in Shadow in Your Definition.
Bring them through Decondition + Rewire, EFT and/or through addiction meditation here.
What other energetics and support are specific to your gate? What chakra would this energy be associated with? What energetic body? Do you need support with Boundaries? Seek the other ways you can align and nourish.
Know that this is ongoing exploration that will serve you again and again. You’re not meant to figure it all out right now. Sit with it, ponder, marinate, ask questions, notice how it shows up in your life, put it down, come back to it, dig deeper, peel back another layer. These elements will continue to unfold if you allow them. Keep moving toward the gift and high vibrations of the energy.
Take good care of yourself. Take a break, take a nap, take a holiday, take a day in nature.