vibrational toolboxes
In Human Design we have evolved to 9 centered beings from the 7 centered Hindu-Brahman Chakra System. There is still a lot of explicit crossover between the energy centers of Human Design and the Chakras. In other places there was a reorganization of energy, however all of these archetypes still exist within and these toolboxes represent powerful containers to look for healing + up-leveling.
One way to use this module is to look for what you want to work on. Where are you experiencing imbalance and what is the corresponding container/archetype? What theme are you unpacking in your chart and where do the energetics live? This may be in the Center it resides, or there may be dynamics that exist within that energy that can be supported or unpacked through a different toolbox. Stay open to pulling threads and see where they lead. Each time we work with a toolbox we find a deeper and more profound inner knowing. We turn our gaze inward and tune into the energy, to the sensations, to the somatics. We look to our patterns and notice where we can benefit from a shift.
If you’re looking for more grounding in your life, building a solid foundation, abundance/worth mentality then No. 1 is the workshop to work with right now. If you’re working to find your voice, speak your truth and manifest you can look to No. 5. For standing in your power and creating resilience so that you can hold space for what you’re calling in, work with No. 3, to connect with your sensuality, No. 2, and so on.
They will be here for you to grab a tool whenever you need and to grow your inner experiential wisdom of these energetic archetypes. I love working with one for 30 days to deeply integrate and create shifts. You can also jump around daily or just begin with foundations and work your way up. If you at all resonate with No. 1 it’s always good to start at the beginning.
No. 1
Foundation | Earth | Grounding | Survival | Body | Matter | Beginnings | Red | Tribe | Tradition | Abundance | Spontaneity | Instinct
Some associations: The Root, The Spleen, The Earth, Saturn, the First House, the Second House, Caves Environment, Capricorn Vibes, The First Energetic Body (Soul)
*In resonance with the CROWN
No. 2
Water | Creativity | Emotional Connection | Sexuality | Relationships | Polarities | Pleasure | Movement | Union | Yin | Well-being
Some associations: The Sacral, The Solar Plexus, The Moon, The Second Energetic Body (Negative Mind)
*In resonance with the THIRD EYE/AJNA
No. 3
Inner Fire | Inspiration | Presence | Accomplishment | Willpower | Yang | Perception | Being Seen | Heart/Mind Connection | Releasing Emotion
Some associations: The Sacral, The Solar Plexus, The Heart Center, The Sun, Mars, the Fire element, the Third Energetic Body (Positive Mind)
*In resonance with the THROAT
No. 4
Love | Balance | Intimacy + Relationships | Self Love | Receiving | Self Acceptance | Forgiveness | Grief | Compassion | Social Identity
Some associations: The Heart, The Self/G Center, Venus, Leo Vibes, The Fourth Energetic Body (the Neutral Mind)
No. 5
Communication | Truth | Self Expression | Creativity | Co-Creation | Trust | Authenticity | Resonance | Voice
Some associations: The Throat, Individuation, Mercury, Jupiter, the Third House, the Fifth House, Taste Cognition, Sound Determination, Valleys + Mountains Environments, the Fifth Energetic Body (the Physical Body)
*In resonance with the SOLAR PLEXUS
No. 6
Intuition | Wisdom | Mindfulness | Pattern Recognition | Archetypes | Understanding Purpose | Imagination
Some associations: The Ajna, your Authority, The Spleen, The Moon, Neptune, The Self Center (direction), Inner Vision Cognition, Pisces vibes, The Sixth Energetic Body (the Arcline)
*In resonance with the SACRAL
No. 7 + No. 8
Mastery | Wisdom | Keeping an Open Mind | Awareness | Expansion | Cosmic Consciousness | Thoughtfulness | The Aura
Some associations: The Crown, The Ajna, Jupiter, Uranus, your Type, Hope Motivation, the Seventh Energetic Body (the Auric Body)
*In resonance with the ROOT
the energetic bodies
"If you understand that you are Ten Bodies, and you are aware of those Ten Bodies, and you keep them in balance, the whole Universe will be in balance with you." -Yogi Bhajan
If you want to dive deeper theses are some of my favorite books on the subject as well as resources for these workshops:
Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self by Anodea Judith.
Anatomy of Spirit by Caroline Myss
Angelus by Erica Jago + Roos Van Der Kamp