Basically, the channels connect the energies of two different centers thus generating something new described as a quantum. Each channel has its own characteristics and keynote, but remains a flexible or dynamic quantum of the energy of the 2 gates, 12 lines and 2 centers it brings together. Defined or colored-in channels become a dominant feature in a person’s life and we call this definition your “life force”.
— Ra Uru Hu
Channels + Circuity

Going deeper… questions you may want to ask yourself:

  • What centers are connected by these channels and what is the conversation between those topics?

  • Is the throat center involved? Is there a steady connection from this center to the Throat either directly or through a single circuit (eg; Root connects to Sacral through channel, Sacral connects to Self through channel, Self connects to Throat through channel - in this example the Root, Sacral and Self would all be connected to the Throat and therefore more emphasized around what you are here to share). If so how does this show up/influence the energy? Is it being expressed?

  • How can I support myself/my client through the energies of the Gates involved?

  • Is this energy generated, manifested, projected… does it require an invitation, response?

  • What planets are connected by these channels and what is the conversation between their significations? How are they married so to speak?

  • What other planetary energies are in that center?

  • What houses are connected by these channels and how are those containers related within this energy and or show up around the archetypes?

  • What is the dynamic between these planets if they are aspected in your natal chart (especially if they are part of your conscious design)? How does that influence the energy?




Individuated awareness, self integration, self-sufficiency + self-empowerment. Folks with a lot of definition here may feel ‘outside’ in some way, like they don’t all together “fit in”. This energy is generated which means it needs to respond and even though it is Splenic, it also needs time to reflect, to go inward, to integrate in order to know next right steps.

These energies have the power to maintain a commitment + output over long periods of time which is why it’s so important to focus your energy on what you love to do!

10/20 The Channel of Awakening - projected - A Design of Commitment to Higher Principles + Purpose

  • contemplate the connection between SELF + THROAT

  • the perfection of the self in the present moment, a primal expression of ‘I Am’ - of the essence o your being

  • live as yourself in each moment, be true to you

  • carries a profound capacity for self-love (and love of life), acceptance + self trust. It’s important to cultivate these gifts.

  • lean into your gift of spiritual awareness

  • when invited you can empower others to their own upleveling

  • be mindful of a sharp tongue, disempowering or being reactive with your words - take a breath and a walk if needed to create some space

  • this is a voice powered by the Self center which always comes with some feelings of vulnerability as it comes from the Soul

  • in its highest expression you can empower others into greater integrity by just being your individuated authentic self + by breaking from conformity and making your own decisions.

  • know that often times you will influence people in beautiful ways without ever knowing it.

  • go deeper with Gate 10 and Gate 20

10/57 - The Channel of Perfected Form - projected - The Art of Survival

  • contemplate the connection between the Spleen and the Self (intuition/well-being and direction)

  • let your behavior be guided by your spontaneous deep intuitive awareness + what “sounds” right to you, what feels like a vibratory match

  • acoustic sensitivity to your environment (eg; tone of voice over what’s being said)

  • may be inclined to take risks, but always seem to land on your feet as there is a protective quality to this energy. You want to follow these folks in the zombie apocalypse.

  • needs grounding in self love + acceptance, as well as a love of living life fully

  • ability to intuit if you’re on the right path, aligned with your Soul’s purpose.

  • can see what’s out of alignment in your environment and act quickly and accordingly

  • trust in your intuition to release fear

  • be mindful + let go of future projecting and worrying as well as letting perfectionism stop you form taking action

  • focus on being true to yourself.

  • go deeper with Gate 10 and Gate 57

34/57 The Channel of Power - generated - A Design of an Archetype

  • connecting intuition (Spleen) with power(Sacral) empowers us with survival intelligence through response

  • connected to our ancient fight, flight, freeze nervous system response that helped us to survive as a species but can also now be over activated in most of us in the modern world.

  • not about what “we think”, but how we intuitively respond to the energy of people and places physically, emotionally, and psychically.

  • in order to tap into the gifts + survival intelligence within we must be IN OUR BODIES and present.

  • this energy is tied to specifically listening through our right ear for what is “correct”. It carries acoustic sensitivity to vibration so one should pay attention to the energy of what someone is saying.

  • following your Strategy to Respond is imperative bringing you through life safely and with ease, it requires you trusting and leaning in to your gift.

  • it is not really about others, but about yourself, though you’d be a good ally in an apocalypse + are an inspiration when this energy is embodied. You are connected to your differentiation, your vitality, and living moment to moment, in response.

  • it’s important to not fight, but embrace, “low” moods like melancholy. You don't need to figure it out or fix it, just allow the clouds to pass through.

  • I have this channel and have experienced the defensiveness that can come up when my well-being feels threatened, even with say toxic fragrances, etc.. We are always trying to maintain overall well-being and can feel called to fight or flee to protect it, intuitively knowing what is right for us.

  • go deeper with Gate 57 + Gate 34

20/34 The Channel of Charisma - manifesting generated - A Design Where Awareness must Become Deed

  • most powerful channel in HD, the Design of a pure Manifesting Generator where manifestation is driven by (and must surrender to) response to outer stimuli

  • contemplate the connection between the sacral to throat

  • consistent source of creative life-force in the world, manifesting thoughts into deeds, so we have what we need to survive over time.

  • a quick energy that is always putting pressure to express in the NOW, which is why folks with this energy often have trouble staying still for long.

  • can have a much quicker sacral response like a ‘yup, yup, yup’ vs the slower ‘uh huh’

  • so important to stay in tune with your Sacral response so you don’t get ahead of yourself or off track

  • it’s totally right for you to get absorbed in things you love doing, keeping busy I healthy ways. This may mean there are times when you are not available to others. That’s ok.

  • your charisma comes naturally when responding but is dampened (and even compromising to your health) when caught up in the mind with “shoulda woulda coulda”

  • this energy has the capacity to manifest quickly but you want it to be intentional, not chaotic. Without gates like 57 (intuition) or 10 (behavior of Self), you may need to open yourself up to outside guidance or advisors, like someone with 43/23.

  • go deeper with Gate 20 and Gate 34


The energetic vortex utilizing life force energy to initiate others, focused on the love of self + Spirit, through response, not words. REST, take breaks to sustain your energy. Both of these channels are powerful mutative energies ‘pressuring’ humanity to evolve.

10/34 The Channel of Exploration - generated - A Design of Following One’s Convictions

  • contemplate the connection between the Self + Sacral

    Gate 10 is a powerful gate for initiating behavior from deep within the authentic Self connecting us to accepting, honoring and loving ourselves

    Gate 34 provides the strength + power to stand by our own convictions through response.

  • you are here to deeply and honestly love yourself and this creative archetype influences all circuity in your Design if you carry definition here.

  • it’s not about influence but about staying true to your own center which may mean sometimes behaving “outside the norm” or in unusual, unique to you ways

  • through living authentically, you empower others to do the same, to cultivate self reliance, to live their uniqueness, to love themselves and to flow through life by responding

  • this energy is quite magnetic, and you may find you attract quite a bit of attention

  • the Not Self of this energy is not responding and can be quite self-centered + rigid in selfish kind of “take it or leave it” behavior

  • go deeper with Gate 10 and Gate 34

25/51 The Channel of Initiation - projected - A Design of Needing to be First

  • contemplate the connection between the Will/Heart + Self

  • Shock + Spirit, Ego + Universal Love - come together where initiation is an art form.

  • a gift for recognizing potential and empowering others toward it, often times through “shock”

  • even though this is not a part of the Tribal Circuit it does connect individual to Tribe. You may find yourself empowering individuals, groups, companies...

  • a natural competitiveness within pushing humanity forward (which you may feel or others may naturally feel compelled to compete with you even if you don’t), the energy of competition can be empowering, pushing us to stretch + even transcend our limits or it can be expressed in an unhealthy way that does not feel empowering but more driven by ego. In its highest form this is motivated by the heart, by mystical energy, not by control or force. Operating correctly, these initiations are not intentional or something you seek out, but a byproduct of living as your authentic self.

  • the breakthroughs resulting from this archetype bring new, fresh energy and possibilities. We come into a deeper understanding or our uniqueness and the depth of our own Spirit.

  • take notice that this is a projected channel and therefore requires invitation/recognition. When you initiate without, it can lead to rejection and resentment.

  • follow your Strategy + Authority and bring extra intention to taking care of your Heart; both physically and energetically.

  • recognize that often times we are initiated in unexpected and uninvited ways. You don’t have to do anything to be initiated. Life will take care of it for you, and in the moment initiations can feel painful but when we tend to their meaning, we come out the other side better for it in some way. Or many ways. We come out closer to our Higher selves, to Spirit.

  • often referred to as Shamanic energy, an ego death in some way.

  • contemplate the High Priestess tarot

  • go deeper with Gate 25 + Gate 51

The energy of knowing just because you know. Struggle + waiting for right timing to share this wisdom are keys of this energy. Can be hard to trust yourself until you understand how you operate especially if you have a lot of LOGIC energy as well. Melancholy can appear here as well as needing a little assistance connecting back + listening when lost in thought. Celebrate your uniqueness.

1/8 Channel of Inspiration - projected - A Design of a Creative Role Model

2/14 Channel of the Beat - generated - A Design of Being a Keeper of Keys

  • one of the Tantric Channels connecting the Sacral to the G Center offering greater empowerment (by example) around love, individuality, identity and direction

  • an energy of accumulating + driving resources and a co-creative life

  • a need to trust in the wisdom of your Sacral, in order to empower you must live your truth first and foremost, live your life on purpose

  • this energy will get stuck if you try to “chase purpose”, if you don’t allow yourself to be guided by life, by your body, by your Strategy + Authority

  • people can find their own more aligned direction just by being in your Auric field when you yourself are in alignment

  • respond, respond, respond to life

  • be open to new directions, to the unexpected, to creative solutions, innovation

  • go deeper with Gate 2 + Gate 14

3/60 Channel of Mutation - generated - A Design of Energy which Initiates and Fluctuates in Pulses

  • contemplate the connection between the Root + the Sacral

  • big potential to influence evolution (with a focus on genetic mutation) in the world through the unknown + one’s ability to accept healthy limitations (like being ok not knowing what’s next)

  • carries a melancholic energy that ebbs and flow (contraction to expansion and back), that is impermanent, that is space between, that you want to get comfy with rather than try to make sense of with your mind or force to change - allow yourself to be in the gestating tenderness from a space of expectation, knowing transmutation will come through you if you allow it. Something is always below the surface waiting to rise up in right time and space.

  • spend time with your muses to go deeper in your journey

  • one of the format energies, if you have this channel it plays a big overarching influence on the entirety of your design (chaos -> order -> chaos especially when you try to fight the feels or don’t honor them as part of the process, don’t honor the pauses, or wallow in the heavy)

  • there are times when your energy will vibrantly flow with ease and times when it’s pulled back, see where you can give yourself time to rest and recharge in the ebbs.

  • carries a pressure to cultivate renewal

  • move tension out of your body when the “pulse is off” and you're in the spaces between.

  • go deeper with Gate 3 + Gate 60

12/22 Channel of Openness - manifested - A Design of a Social Being

  • contemplate the connection between the Solar Plexus + the Throat

  • expression dependent on the waves of emotions and moods, acting out the feels whether that is drama in the moment, passion, moodiness, melancholy…

  • tend to be resonant with people who feel mutative

  • carry emotional impact with quality of your voice

  • social (and a great listener) when you are “in the mood”, it’s important you try not to force yourself when you’re not as this can lead to feelings of rejection, irritation, emotional outbursts, etc.. which over time can isolate you or cause you to feel overall anti-social which is not your true nature

  • you are gifted socially to catalyze change, to educate, empower transformation, and to touch people emotionally. You can get to them in their feels.

  • this energy is focused on bringing ‘transformative new awarenesses’ to the collective

  • you could use this gift for public speaking, writing, making music… which inspires others to connect to the spectrum of feels, to experience deeper levels of love

  • let the flow and waves of your Solar Plexus inform your actions, this is NOT an energy to act impulsively or reactively. Listen to your Authority, to your emotions!

  • practice good emotional hygiene as the healthier your own relationship with the vastness and depth of your emotional body, the better you will be able to impact and inspire others.

  • don’t be afraid of your uniqueness, let it shine!

  • go deeper with Gate 12 + Gate 22

20/57 Channel of the Brainwave - projected - A Design of Penetrating Awareness

  • contemplate the connection between the Spleen + the Throat

  • links intuitive clarity (Spleen) to the Throat (expression), 57 is the most intuitive gate in Design

  • self recognition of the human experience + fundamental feelings of aliveness

  • quick in the moment intuitive insights that want expression, knowings centered in greater well-being

  • truth may seemingly burst out of you at times channeled through your vibratory and acoustic awareness of your environment and what is true, a gift to “think on your feet”

  • can empower others to activate and cultivate their own survival intelligence

  • follow your Strategy + Authority for correct timing to share, and cultivate greater feelings of presence, of “being here now” in each moment and the next

  • presence is how you connect to your gift to know exactly what you need and how to take care of yourself - practice tuning in to your intuition and strengthening the muscle… ignoring the impulses will quiet the voice.

  • folks with this channel (b/c of the intuitive insight they carry) typically don’t like being told what to do.

  • go deeper with Gate 20 + Gate 57

23/43 Channel of Structuring - projected - A Design of Individuality (Genius to Freak)

  • contemplate the connection between the Ajna + the Throat

  • innovative, unique, original insights that you feel pressured to share

  • your insights can have great impact, changing how people feel and think when they can be received.

  • imperative that you follow your Strategy + Authority to tune into the right timing, places + people to share your unique insights with. I don’t love the word “freak” which Ra uses here, but it does often land with people who have this channel. The feeling of being outside is very real (as is the capacity for genius + acceptance) when one has shared insights outside of their Strategy + Authority and felt dismissed and/or a deep rejection, alienation and even feelings of rejecting your Self and this wisdom.

  • aligning with your Design and following your Strategy + Authority will allow you to be in flow, in genius, in your capacity to share wisdom that is very much ahead of its time and have it be received and transformative.

  • release the need to control your mind and allow it to flow and process these insights in its own way and timing.

  • when invited to share these insights you will find you don’t even really need to (and probably shouldn’t) plan what you are going to say, but rather let it flow through you, a pure channel - you may sometimes be surprised by what you share, not even knowing what you know.

  • sharing these new insights may bear repeating until folks can really hear you and absorb it.

  • a gift for cultivating greater efficiency that can create quantum leaps.

  • go deeper with Gate 23 + Gate 43


  • contemplate the connection between the Crown + the Ajna

  • initiating channel in the knowing circuit.

  • mystery meets rationalization in a design of spontaneous knowing

  • the way in which our acoustic mind presses inspiration

  • resist the impulse to try to control your mind and allow it to be.

  • watch your mind as it turns things over and over, as it rises and ebbs, until there is a sudden knowing

  • allow “why” to be a gentle holding of curiosity rather than a fighting to know

  • make space for serendipity, for the mystical and mystery, for new ideas and ways of thinking.

  • when overwhelmed seek time alone and in quiet to process the thoughts

  • use music as a tool for relaxation

  • go deeper with Gate 24 + Gate 61.

28/38 Channel of Struggle - projected - a design of stubbornness

  • contemplate the connection between the Root + the Spleen

  • adrenaline meets intuition, a struggle to find purpose and meaning, often against homogenized ideas and norms

  • stubbornness supports your integrity to stay true to your truth and the vision you want to actualize in the world.

  • understanding that struggle is a part of life and doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong.

  • you evolve through resistance and may find that you are inspire to share the wisdom you gain through your struggles with others as a coach or speaker. Don’t be afraid to speak your truth as you might help someone else through their own struggle(s).

  • having great awareness and listening in to your inner guidance system for the correct struggle to enter in to is key, choosing struggles that give meaning and feel worthwhile, not thru your mind but being initiated by your Strategy + Authority and because this is a projected channel, it requires invitation/recognition.

  • exercise regularly to release excess pressure.

  • go deeper with Gate 28 and Gate 38.

39/55 Channel of Emoting - projected - a design of moodiness

  • contemplate the connection between the Root + the Solar Plexus

  • a highly emotional energy that can experience high peaks and deep valleys, as well as periods of melancholy, consistent cycles of joy and sorrow.

  • embracing and honoring the waves rather than fighting them. Remembering that you are not your emotions that they are guests passing through. Read Rumi’s Guesthouse.

  • understanding that there is nothing wrong with you when feeling low, rather than getting into your mind or “story” around it which can create states of being.

  • be mindful of your language around your feels. There is a big different between “I am feeing depressed” and “I AM depressed”.

  • highly creative energy when in the right mood

  • in diving deep into the depths of your Spirit, you can utilize what you find there for poetry, music, dance, painting, or other resonant forms of expression.

  • can sense the people who are right for you based on how you interact and how that makes you feel.

  • read The Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chögyam Trungpa on tenderness as warrior ship.

  • find outlets for expressing your feelings rather than bottling, stuffing, attaching. Let it all flow through you rather than becoming solid with any of it. Use music as a catalyst to move feelings as a pathway out of lower feels.

  • your emotions are contagious, spend time alone ‘with your inner muse’ when you’re not in the mood rather than trying to force it.

  • go deeper with Gate 39 and Gate 55.


Sex, bonding, raising kids, nurturing, providing resources + cooking. Sustainable, generated energy. The ties that bind. Family. A powerful energy that can pull one out of individuality + into conformity in the presence of someone with a lot of Defense energy.

6/59 Channel of Reproduction - generated - a design focused on reproduction

  • contemplate the connection between the Solar Plexus + the Sacral

  • sexual (59) friction (6), creation + procreation.

  • intimacy, fertile ground through the masculine archetype, the creation of beings, projects, resources, wars…

  • as it is connected to the solar plexus it is not meant to be spontaneous but to come into clarity over time, the consequences of moving spontaneously, without clarity, can ripple out through the ‘tribe’.

  • showing love through providing resources.

  • good to cultivate friendships first with folks you are entering in to intimate relationships with whether business or pleasure.

  • can be naturally flirtatious which can be misinterpreted but also carries a very penetrating aura which creates deep intimacy and a cozy feeling rather quickly which is why you want to be mindful of who you really want to invite into your energetic space.

  • go deeper with Gate 6 + Gate 59.

27/50 Channel of Preservation - generated - a design of custodianship

  • contemplate the connection between the Sacral + the Spleen

  • the feminine archetype of intuition, nurturing + the Mother

  • Sacral response meets Spleen’s survival instincts

  • an altruistic concern for others and support especially through sharing values and education of the next generation, caring for the creation (6/59), for the elderly, the disenfranchised, etc…

  • people naturally trust you

  • only take on responsibility through your Strategy + Authority. This is how you avoid burnout, and…

  • always remember to “put your oxygen mask on first” so that you can nurture from your own full cup. Take deep and correct of yourself first and foremost.

  • because this is a generated channel, remember that if someone wants your help, they need to ‘ask’, you are only committing through response. This is how you know if you have the capacity.

  • also carries the energy of the course system, fairness, rules, right and wrong

  • go deeper with Gate 27 and Gate 50.

Creativity + concretizing agreement into form, the foundational resources. The energy of business, sales, resource allocation, management, social contracts like marriage and the desire to achieve. Wait for clarity through your Strategy + Authority before making commitments.

19/49 Channel of Love + Marriage - projected - a design of sensitivity

  • contemplate the connection between the Root and the Solar Plexus

  • this is the most sensitive energy in the bodygraph

  • selectivity in our interrelatedness, finding that which is compatible and supportive to the connection of the overall tribe and spirt.

  • acceptance/rejection frequencies, who belongs and who does not.

  • a need to feel needed without low vibrations like co-dependency or enmeshment.

  • connecting to your people, how you define family + those that recognize your contributions

  • intimacy + touch are very supportive for this person

  • gift for balancing practicality and fairness.

  • need resources, your own ‘territory’ and a clear understanding of what your defined family believes.

  • give time to your emotional authority to know the correct relationships/emotional “contracts” to enter into.

  • the energy of flirting, bonding, dating, marriage + even divorce.

  • read Bell Hooks “All About Love”

  • go deeper with Gate 19 and Gate 49

21/45 Channel of Money - manifested - a design of a materialist

  • contemplate the connection between the Ego/Will + the Throat

  • giving voice to “I Am, I have/don’t have” with the connection from Ego to Throat

  • most driven of the the Manifestor channels, designed to make it happen yourself and have all of the control so you can follow your own innate rhythms.

  • the way you support through this energy is educating - the saying “teach them to fish”

  • while it’s a tribal energy there is also a lot of personal will built into this channel which can create struggle for contol

  • communicate/inform those around you of your plans to keep the peace and create ease.

  • here to master the material plane and make money through your sheer willpower.

  • make sure the control extends to work/rest balance utilizing the willpower energy when its on and stepping back and restoring when its not.

  • take good care of your heart + practice stress management.

  • go deeper with Gate 21 + Gate 45.

26/44 Channel of Surrender - projected - a design of a transmitter

  • contemplate the connection between the Heart/Ego + the Spleen

  • you are able to sell things instinctually. Its ingrained in your tribal memory and you can be quite persuasive. Use your powers for good. ;) Be integrous and if you are selling something, make sure you believe in what you’re selling.

  • this also includes communicating in general, you have a gift for knowing how to talk to people, and to intuit what they need to hear.

  • one of the main health networks connected to our immune system, connected to the thymus gland, always on alert and aware of what may pose a threat. Thymus knocking is a great practice which is basically just what it sounds like, knocking on the center of your chest to wake up your thymus gland and strengthen your system.

  • gifted in giving recommendations b/c you will naturally know typically what someone will like or need. A good gift giver when tapped in.

  • Claireolfactance, trust your instincts if something doesn't “smell right” about a person, deal, project, products, etc…

  • not really designed for a 9-5, can accomplish more than most in a short amount of time, so getting paid by the hour can be tricky unless you are willing to really account for your time including time for rest/work life balance. Ideal to be in an entrepreneur vibe, preferably as part of a team in some way.

  • as a projected energy, make sure you are invited/recognized to share

  • go deeper with Gate 44 and Gate 26.

32/54 Channel of Transformation - projected - a design of being driven

  • contemplate the connection between the Spleen + the Root

  • drive meets continuity, ambition fueled by consistent and cumulative action.

  • can carry a fear of failure which you want to make sure is not clouding your clarity + that you do not take action or resist action from the fear.

  • can really make quantum leaps in their lives, jumping societal hierarchies

  • Spirit energy woven throughout, the path of ‘Enlightenment/Endarkenment’ as motivation

  • financial prosperity possible through putting in the work.

  • desire for recognition, while success is important for you be mindful you don’t get caught up in the productivity hamster wheel, in becoming a workaholic to prove yourself. Find work where you are recognized as part of an interconnected and mutually beneficial system, where you can also help others reach their potential.

  • let the Universe handle the “how” details of your big dreams. This energy is not connected to the throat so your big idea(s) require invitation and recognition to find their light. Surrender into trust rather than force.

  • surround yourself with people who recognize your efforts, who see you and honor you, who are your champions. Protect your dreams from naysayers.

  • find work/life balance.

  • use your Strategy + Authority to intuit what is worth your time.

  • go deeper with Gate 54 + Gate 32.

37/40 Channel of the Bargain/Community - projected - a design of part seeking whole

  • contemplate the connection between the Solar Plexus + the Heart/Ego

  • much like a 4 line, your community is very important including partnerships, friendships, local community, online, as well as marriage/romantic partnership

  • make sure you enter into the community, agreement, contract or the bargain correctly through your Strategy + Authority

  • energy to create resources when the emotional energy supports it, waiting for clarity around the correct agreements

  • thrives with balance in all areas of life; work/life, community/alone time, health routines, food, sex life, etc…

  • follow through on your agreements + make sure everyone is clear on the details of the agreements at play even if not ‘formal’, especially if not ‘formal’, and that they have in fact actually entered into an agreement with you (as you perceive it), as well as that any deal is mutually beneficial.

  • can be particularly helpful to know if you have a kiddo with this energy as you can always strike a deal with them. ;)

  • always make agreements after meeting in person and careful consideration over time with your emotional wave, no spontaneous agreements for the future. These folks often like to shake on it as touch is a part of feeling into and solidifying.

  • you need to feel like there is reciprocity in your relationships, not imbalance.

  • folks with this energy can feel like they are kind of looking for their place of belonging, but when you follow your Strategy + Authority and live your design, you will find appreciation and invitation.

  • go deeper with Gate 37 + Gate 40.


The sharing of information that has been proven to be true over time including how we build stable societies, structure laws, see patterns in cultures and actions. Its is a generated energy and therefore carries the theme of mastery over time. Left brained.

4/63 Channel of Logic - projected - a design of mental ease mixed with doubt

  • contemplate the connection between the Crown + the Ajna

  • the pathway of inspiration to a question moving toward proving a hypothesis

  • filtering patterns to find consistency

  • using the doubt + skepticism as catalyst for curiosity + the mental gifts of your mind projected outward, as turning all of that doubt and questioning inward only creates frustration, anxiety and disharmony.

  • use your gifts to help others and your mind to solve problems and ask questions outside of yourself, balance this channel with other aspects of your Design, think “Along Came Polly” ;)

  • be mindful of worry stemming from future projecting.

  • you are someone who will not trust in Human Design until you have experimented with it and seen the proof in your life.

  • you may find the pressure to prove more challenging with an open Crown/Head

  • share your logic when invited/recognized

  • do research, learn new things, find games or projects that require pattern recognition to channel your energy

  • go deeper with Gate 4 + Gate 63

5/15 Channel of Rhythm - generated - a design for being in the flow

  • contemplate the connection between the Sacral + the Self

  • powerful life force energy connects to direction/love resulting in natural magnetism (a big ole’ aura) and your own unique rhythms in life + creative expression

  • honor your own internal rhythms, this is how you stay in flow and naturally align with right timing (with Kairos time)

  • this is the channel in the Penta that binds

  • others in your Aura will be pulled to your rhythm

  • if things start to feel like they are going awry, take some intentional time alone to tune back into your center, to your Sacral, to your own tempo.

  • spend time outside often in nature and with animals. While it is focused on YOUR rhythm it is also deeply tied to nature’s rhythms and returning humanity to a time when we were not pulled from that by things like artificial light. So practices that attune you with the cycles of nature can also be incredibly beneficial like living seasonally, getting your eyes in the sunrise and sunset every day before screen time, turning screens off at night, using blue light blocking glasses, etc… when it also feels aligned with your tempo.

  • explore Tantra, animal communication, connection to elementals, plant medicine

  • go deeper with Gate 5 and Gate 15

7/31 Channel of the Alpha - projected - a design of leadership for ‘good or bad’

  • contemplate the connection between the Self + the Throat

  • often reluctant but natural leaders who have a gift to see where we are going based on logic and time tested patterns, on mastery

  • the power behind the throne, while you may not necessarily “lead” a country or community, you will find your own spaces where you carry influence, where you have your own “pack”

  • this is a projected energy so it’s not leadership that is taken but that is recognized and invited, sometimes actually “nominated”, but not always this formal, it can just be carrying weight or influence in your field.

  • reluctant leaders are the best kind because they are not in it for the power, and they take the responsibility seriously, always connected to their people and their needs.

  • the energy of true democracy

  • go deeper with Gate 7 and Gate 31

9/52 Channel of Focus + concentration - generated - a design of determination

  • contemplate the connection between the Sacral + the Root

  • this is a format channel which means it has great influence over your Design if you carry it… “influences one’s entire design with its energy to concentrate on and challenge, correct or perfect any pattern, form, or activity that one is profoundly committed to”, Ra Uru Hu

  • you have focus or concentration, or you don’t, as this energy is either on or off based on its own cycles of adrenalized life force.

  • follow your responses from your Sacral + Authority to know when and where to focus your energy + awareness; by following your responses you naturally align with your correct life path.

  • can be helpful to focus on one thing at a time, “step by step”, rather than getting your hands in too many different projects and/or ahead of yourself in steps. This energy is linear, one foot in front of the other, although it is about finding balance with enough outlets to channel your energy.

  • learn, research, read about experiments, duplicate results, establish patterns

  • practice mindfulness, Qi Gong, practices that allow you to get really still in your body and tune out the world.

  • go deeper with Gate 9 and Gate 52

16/48 Channel of the wavelength - projected - a design of talent

  • contemplate the connection between the Throat + the Spleen

  • this is a design of repetition to create a depth of skill, mastery; when you find something you love doing (gate of enthusiasm) do it again and again (long term dedication).

  • with this energy it is mastering it to a level of understanding that you can then be free; an example might be - in acting we used to rehearse scenes again and again, we would do vocal exercises and physical exercises to get in and be loose in our ‘instrument’, but when it came time for the performance, you would let it all go, you would find your own wavelength with it, it was so in there already, that you could fly and allow it to express through you.

  • even with a natural talent it is still about practice and honing your skills

  • creating win/win situations supports you, meaning utilizing your skill to the benefit of others in some way.

  • as this energy is projected it requires recognition and invitation, make sure you are ‘building your lighthouse’, that you have spaces to be seen + for your work to be found.

  • go deeper with Gate 48 and Gate 16

17/62 Channel of Acceptance - projected - a design of organizational being

  • contemplate the connection between the Ajna + the Throat

  • opinions meet details, visual mind meets expression

  • seeing patterns in your mind which your throat gives meaning to through ‘language’.

  • you are always organizing and filing away details in your mind into internal filing cabinets labeled with your P.O.V.’s

  • if you don’t understand something or someone it’s because you don’t have a file cabinet for that yet, or enough information in that file cabinet, to formulate a clear view/perception

  • while sharing your views might feel good to you and release pressure, make sure you are paying attention to your audience and timing; is their invitation? recognition? receptivity? interest? If you are not sure, it can be helpful to ask if someone is open to you sharing your thoughts before doing so.

  • if you feel pent up, find other outlets of expression like breathwork, voice lessons, singing, journaling, even having the conversation with yourself on the car ride home to release some pressure.

  • gift for visuals, for organizing spaces, people, events, seeing details and patterns as well as issues for which you often can create a solution.

  • while you might enjoy and excel at organizing someone else’s space, yours may not be so tidy.

  • go deeper with Gate 17 and Gate 62

18/58 Channel of Judgement - projected - a design of insatiability

  • contemplate the connection between the Root + the Spleen

  • “an insatiable drive to challenge, correct + perfect any pattern; judging what it perceives is stoping life from being joyous for the Collective”. - Ra

    This is a really beautiful aspect of this gate. The correction clears the path for greater joy. Always remember that this channel carries the gate of vitality and that that is the goal, which reminds me of the old saying “do you want to be right or do you want to be happy”. Just because you can see it, doesn’t always mean you need to share it. Or that it’s your job to fix it. Follow your Strategy + Authority.

  • while it can be really hard to see how to improve something and not share, as a projected energy, you may get into trouble/come off as critical if not invited or recognized to offer how the situation/item/pattern might be improved.

  • very important this perfectionistic energy is directed at the work you do in the world rather than yourself, your life, and the people in it.

  • as well as to remember you can improve things and also release the need for absolute perfection which does not exist

  • find moments of recognizing the beauty in imperfections. Read bout Kintsugi.

  • integrate regular physical exercise

  • go deeper with Gate 18 and Gate 58

The storyteller (though with a lot of this energy one can struggle to articulate), pushing the limits of human experience. Right brained. Holistic. Sensual. The Logic circuit deals with the mind while the sensing circuit deals with experiential wisdom. This is an energy of curiosity, and like folks with a lot of right facing arrows, this energy can struggle with the left, patriarchal, linear way we often think about learning + living.

11/56 Channel of Curiosity - projected - A Design of the searcher

  • contemplate the connection between the Ajna + the Throat

  • constantly driven to new ways of seeing and fresh ideas

  • real the journey not the destination energy, be joyful, curious and enthusiastic in the process rather than seeking an answer

  • notice the little nuggets of wisdom you pick up all long your pathway to answers (which again, not answers, but the pathway that is important here).

  • the storyteller/historian energy who shares from experience and in doing so can support/transform others. This may also mean offering them something to respond to, rather than your particular flavor.

  • you create magic when you weave stories around the human experience which may include stretches or exaggerations of the truth that serve the teaching. ;)

  • this energy is not about solving your own problems but about reflecting on life for the benefit of others.

  • remember its projected energy so make sure what you are wanting to share is being invited.

  • Go deeper with Gate 11 and Gate 56

13/33 Channel of the Prodigal - projected - a design of a witness

  • the self center meets expression (Throat), sharing what you’ve learned, your personal experiences, reflection + remembrance

  • you may also find folks share with you their secrets

  • channels from the self to the throat can always feel a bit vulnerable because you are sharing bit of yourself

  • can be helpful to keep journals, scrapbooks, a Pinterest, blog, some record of your experiences

  • be the witness, rather than coming in with expectations, this is a gift you share

  • tools and practices for helping you step into passenger consciousness can be helpful to move you along your journey, someone’s work like Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now) or Michael Singer (The Untethered Soul)

  • you may find you love reading about particular times in history or studying and piecing together your own families ancestry but be mindful of getting stuck in the past.

  • you may excel at coaching or being a therapist as you can really drop in and listen and offer guidance

  • go deeper with Gate 13 and Gate 33

29/46 Channel of Discovery - generated - a design of succeeding where others fail

  • contemplate the connection between the Sacral + the Self

  • when responding through your strategy to the correct commitments you want to join in fully, if you feel wishy washy or half hearted about it, it’s probably not the right thing to commit your energy to.

  • release all expectations on go on the ride, which is the whole point.

  • capacity for success through determination and hard work while making it look easy. People often speak about overnight successes in Hollywood that are anything but, there are often years of preparation and effort that put them exactly where they needed to be in the “right place right time”.

  • immerse yourself in the depth of your experience which may not make sense to you while your inside of it. Trust your exactly where you need to be and will make the discovery in the end.

  • take good care of and love up on your body, your vehicle.

  • practice unwavering devotion to your aligned goals and resonant commitments.

  • surrender > control

  • go deeper with Gate 29 and Gate 46

30/41 Channel of recognition - projected - a design of focused energy (feelings)

  • contemplate the connection between the Root + the Solar Plexus

  • restlessness often leads to getting lost in fantasy and desire, enjoy the feelings these bring up rather than always trying to actualize them on the Earth plane

  • this energy is deeply tied to manifestation and the new year in Human Design, to New Moon energy, marinate in the good feelings your imagination creates and see what that brings, rather than trying to “make it happen”

  • use your dreams as information and opportunity to explore your feelings (core desires)

  • release expectations, live in the now, in acceptance and gratitude of what is.

  • be mindful of the energy of “I’ll be happy when…”

  • always wait to have clarity through your emotional wave around taking actions, resist being impulsive and leaping into chaos. It’s about intentional and deliberate actions.

  • this energy can be a bit manic, be mindful of the ways you might burn others out, or yourself. And, it’s projected so wait for right timing. When it is right, it is a highly creative, and passionate energy that can really light folks up.

  • go deeper with Gate 30 and Gate 41

35/36 Channel of Transitoriness - manifested - a design of a “jack of all trades”

  • contemplate the connection between the Solar Plexus + the Throat

  • a desire for new experiences and adventure, trying things on just to see what they are like and to have new experiences, the energy of “been there done that” and leading a life well lived

  • can feel “inadequate”, put too much pressure on yourself to have done all the things, be mindful.

  • be sure to ride out your emotional waves to wait for clarity on the right experiences rather than acting out of boredom, moodiness or restlessness

  • when you jump into things without waiting for your emo authority, folks can get hurt, including yourself, stay away from the destructive side of this energy.

  • and also don’t beat yourself up if you go astray and make some bad decisions, this will get better with maturity.

  • the golden rule is to wait for the clarity and let others know what you’re up to (inform)

  • this energy, the experiential wisdom you gather, is emotional in nature, you can live a life that is quite inspiring, enriching and expansive to others

  • go deeper with Gate 35 and Gate 36

42/53 Channel of Maturation - generated a design of balanced development

  • contemplate the connection between the Root + the Sacral

  • a format channel which exerts a lot of influence over the Design as a whole

  • the energy of beginnings and endings, moving through cycles of experiences, commitment to completion, the design to see it through

  • another energy of experience vs being goal or expectation oriented.

  • you are always moving through cycles of experience and if you opt out before the cycle is finished you will be forced to start over. You are meant to reflect back and gain the wisdom from the full experience. As you share your reflections you are able to gain more wisdom, more is revealed through the act of sharing.

  • naturally aligned with cycles; paying attention to the transits, using your profections to help guide your path, the lunar cycles, living seasonally are all supportive.

  • make sure you are Responding to enter in to the correct experiences through your Authority. This is particularly important as you are meant to see things through and don’t want to get/feel ‘stuck’.

  • go deeper with Gate 42 and Gate 53

47/64 Channel of Abstraction - projected - A Design of Mental Activity mixed with Clarity

You can experience considerable mental confusion as a result of the constant swirl of images always moving through it, feeling at times a bit like a drunk monkey stung by a scorpion. This confusion can mark the beginning of a new and inspiring journey for you, as you discover what really does make sense. If you remain patient with your discovery process, the gaps and spaces between the dots will at some point connect and a picture will appear; a new unique sequence will be created and revealed.
— Ra Uru Hu
  • contemplate the connection between the Crown/Head + the Ajna

  • a feeling of pressure to sort through all of the mental images from your waking life but even from your dreams

  • feel called to make sense of the past, to reflect in order to gain perspective, to more deeply understand the human experience.

  • if you have this channel there can be a deep pressure to “figure it out” with your mind and you want to constantly remind yourself to come back to your body, back to your Stategy + Authority. Your mind does not have the answers for you. You cannot solve your problems or figure out your own life with your mind.

  • folks with this channel, and a defined Head + Ajna center, in general have a lot of mental activity happening at all times. Traditional meditation may not serve you and you may want to experiment with things like Mantra, walking meditation, journeying, breathwork, non-linear movement, etc…

  • looking for a story to share, their own or someone else’s + with patience and waiting for all to be revealed, they will often find one worthy of sharing.

  • while this energy likes to parse things out and look at it all, on repeat, from every angle and this will sometimes lead to “aha” moments.. also be mindful of repetitive or obsessive mental patterns heading in unhealthy directions.

  • go deeper with Gate 64 and Gate 47