*Some links to additional supportive content may be inaccessible to folks who are not members.


you are a powerhouse here to initiate, blaze trails + own your power


Use your power to stay healthy, listen to your energy and delegate to avoid burnout + be mindful of your impact on others.

Auras are a full expression of the being, and a controlling agent of the way the form is going to work Auras are the way we connect to and are experienced by the other. To express our uniqueness with compassion, appreciating and respecting the uniqueness of others, is the consequence of coming to deeply know and love ourselves. Mastering this level of auric communication between Types begins with following one’s Strategy
— Ra Uru Hu

Each of the types has a way in which their aura communicates in the world, a way you interact with your environment that is as unique as a blood type. When you honor your Strategy you create well being in your aura. 

The aura of a manifestor

A protecting, closed + repelling aura that is uninviting. Your Strategy To Inform compensates for your natural aura. That's a lot of seemingly negative feeling words but this is also what accounts for the fact that many kings, queens, and leaders were Manifestors. You're a powerhouse AND also your aura can be misinterpreted. Informing is going to create much more ease in your life. And by honoring and being you, you will naturally attract your people. 


famous manifestor’s

I was hesitant to include a few of those but they go to show how truly powerful this energy can be whether that is at a high or low vibration.


With every conscious choice you grease a new groove. You redefine the rules and you shift your hologram.


  • Spend some time clearing limiting beliefs through the Deconditioning Nidra. And/or bringing them through Decondition + Shadow Support so you can stand fully in your power.

  • Go to bed before you’re tired. Listen to the Sleep Hygiene audio below.

  • Create passive streams of income.

  • When feeling your Not Self theme of Anger know that you’re out of alignment. Are you informing?

  • Magnetize the right people by owning your power and “doing you”.

  • If you’re feeling stuck in any way, start initiating small things to rebuild your trust muscle.

  • REST when you need to. Honor your natural ebbs and flows. Take breaks throughout the day. In Kundalini, Yogi Bhajan speaks, especially for women about 1-2 eleven minute naps a day. If you can’t fall asleep, just take the time to power down.

  • Delegate. Delegate. Delegate.

  • Allow yourself regular time for creativity.

  • Connect to inspiration and allow yourself time to be inspired. Innovators need space to contemplate, listen in, have curiosity so they can create new visions.

  • When you’re feeling heavy check in with what’s hanging around in your aura that you’re not meant to have. Empty out!

  • Allow yourself to begin things you don't finish. This is part of your process, sometimes you need to try it on and if it’s not for you there is nothing wrong with putting it down and moving on.

  • Get really clear about the ways in which you want to express your creativity and make space for it.

  • Ask for guidance from whatever you believe is bigger than you (Source, Spirit, the Universe, your Higher Self)? While you can initiate whenever you like, Manifestors may still follow their own way of navigating and internal timing or it may resonate for them to wait for a signs, etc.. Feel out what works for you so that you can trust.

  • Cultivate relationships with people who respect your process and your privacy when you’re in a groove and know that it’s not personal.

  • Connect to a spiritual practice. The Crown Toolbox for support.

  • The Solar Plexus Toolbox for owning and standing in your power.

  • Explore your purpose through The Meeting Ground within The Collective/or North Node work.

  • Know that you are WAY more than your energy type.

fears by aura

Fears by Aura

fear my anger and/or of losing control

fear of speaking my truth, communicating, and people reacting poorly or trying to control me or influence what I’m doing

fear of creating confrontation or causing upset.

you can also look to your defined fear gates to unpack other potential fears in your chart

Artwork: Thought Catalog

write it out

Prompts //

  • Spend time everyday listening in for your own ideas, tapping in to your creative flow. Free write stream of consciousness.

  • Do you stand in your power?

  • Do you allow yourself to be imperfect so you can be innovative?

  • Do you share your truth? Do you feel safe to?

  • What does freedom mean to you?

  • Where can you create more flow in energy?

  • Do you allow yourself to delegate once you’ve begun? Is there anywhere in your life you need to release control?

  • What am I still apologizing for? Where am I still needing to please people? Taking inventory or just watching and opening the curiosity to see where this may exist.

powering down

Artwork: Samantha Hahn

Artwork: Samantha Hahn

Non Sacral Sleep Hygiene
Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.
— Thomas Edison


30 Days of Informing

For the next 30 days start to grease a new groove. Be mindful of informing those around you of what you’re doing before you do it and ask them for the same.


use this nidra to release limiting beliefs + align with your power

Decondition + Align

emotional freedom technique

Manifestor ReProgram


Empty out DAILY!

If you need to use your voice more powerfully then visit The Voices to see what energies are there for you + strengthen the Throat Chakra.

Visit the Sacral Chakra for moving stagnation and finding flow.

Read about not taking things personally in The Four Agreements.

Read Hayden Herrera’s biography of Frida or another Manifestor that inspires you.

Practice this kriya to strengthen your container.

Boncharge blue blocking glasses for winding down in bed to spend time emptying out - without getting turned on by the blue light from any of your screens. Try the yellow (or red) ones if you still have sleep issues after emptying out your Sacral or just want to support your bodies natural rhythms. Use code BARNEY15 for 15% off.

you are so much more than your energy type.