procrastination, the cosmos + a toolbox


I received a question around procrastination this week that I thought would be fun to pull some threads around the topic. First off I want to say that, in my opinion, procrastination is not really the problem, it’s a symptom.

And, sometimes it’s not a problem at all. Someone with a healthy relationship to adrenalized pressure (and happy harmonized adrenals) might thrive, having lots of plates spinning and doing some things in their final hour. But that’s not really what we’re talking about today. This post is for those who are having trouble getting started or taking action, who get distracted and then beat up on themselves for “procrastinating”, who stay stuck or small rather than pushing a bit past their comfort zone, who are caught up in stress or Not Self instead of acting from their authentic aligned truth. This is not for the folks who feel energized by a little simmer on the burners (or times like these - even my open root likes to put things off sometimes). This might be particularly true if you have a defined Root Center. You might like a little pressure b/c you know you can and always do get it done on time. You have your own rhythm. This is for when you feel drained by the prospect of doing the thing.

When you think about the items in which you are procrastinating around, are you in excited anticipation or dread, waiting for the right timing or in avoidance? If it’s the latter then this post is for you.

Procrastination is not just about scheduling that dentist appointment you’ve been putting off, writing your newsletter or avoiding studying for a test till the absolute last minute. It’s also having the conversations you’ve been dodging, delegating where you need to (giving up control is a whole other post), facing up to issues and life choices that need to be dealt with, beginning a new endeavor or taking steps toward that idea or big dream that’s been percolating but keeps getting pushed farther down the road. For the times when you seem to be doing a lot but not really getting anything done. It is sometimes a fear response and other times a freeze response, and many other possibilities.

When we are looking at why you might be procrastinating it’s about getting underneath the ‘effect’ to find the cause. At the heart of procrastination it is resistance to action. What is the root of the resistance?

your natal chart, human design + procrastination

With regards to where this might live in your natal chart or bodygraph there are lots of options actually depending on the root cause. AND, PSA… we are not looking at this to be the victim of our charts or to validate behavior that does not serve you. Just the opposite. We are looking at it to take back control. EVERYTHING has a high and a low vibration and we all have certain energetics at play based on our chart. We can use it to help us identify where it’s coming from so we can do some reprogramming, alchemizing and up-leveling.

You can find tools to help with the more mundane ways in which you procrastinate and the ways in which you create habitual patterns that keep you stuck, or find the root of why you keep putting off taking a real leap toward your dream(s). One of my favorite quotes is that “the magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding” so let’s dive in.

Peruse these prompts, see what sticks out to you… maybe because you have that placement or maybe because it just feels resonant (and lives elsewhere). What matters most is that “mmmmh” inside your body. Use it as an invitation to unpacking your own relationship to procrastination.

  • Is it indecisiveness (maybe Mars in Libra)?

  • Is it because you have low energy (maybe a Balsamic Progressed Moon phase or Mars in the 12th House) or are spending time doing too many things that don’t light you up?

  • Is it because your nervous system is dysregulated (Maybe look to your Mercury for some clues)? Are you caught up in a stress spiral? Do you have an undefined Root Center - are you amplifying the stress of those around you?

  • Is it because you are self sabotaging in some way? Are you afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone? Are limiting beliefs leading? Have you created a pattern where you don’t trust yourself to keep your word to yourself? Is this creating a cycle of guilt and shame as a result?

  • Is it because deep down you are afraid to succeed, to fail, of change, that nothing will really change (maybe look to your defined fear gates for insight)?

  • Is it because you are scattered doing a bunch of distracting things instead of focusing (maybe a Gemini placement)?

  • Is it because you are depressed or unhappy and need some mental health support? Need to move your body? Need to do some rewiring? Is it because you are overwhelmed with tasks that do not light you up and need to make some space? Are you low on an emotional wave?

  • Are you having trouble getting motivated (maybe you have your Moon in Taurus) or an open Heart/Ego Center? On the Heart Center note, do you feel worthy of your dreams, are you caught up in trying to prove yourself?

  • Are you stuck in perfection mode or being overly critical of what you create (maybe Jupiter in Virgo or a Progressed Virgo Moon)?

  • Do you have Saturn (the ruler of time + high expectations/overly high standards) or Neptune (the energy of dissolution and floating over focusing or avoiding all together) strong in your chart or by transit currently? Maybe you were born in a year (ahem… like me) with Saturn square Neptune for the double expectations whammy.

  • Are you just tired? And need more intentional rest, like deep rest, inviting your nervous system to down regulate and unwind rest, not Netflix binge rest. Have an open Sacral center and need to honor your access or lack there of to “doing” energy?

  • Are you feeling outside pressure to act rather than following your Strategy + Authority to correct actions?

  • Are you honoring your day to day needs? Listening to your body? When we don’t honor what we need, our body and mind can get quite rebellious.

  • Do you have an undefined Root Center and you are burnt out from working too much in the hustle, from an endless churn and burn, trying to get out from under your to do list as quickly as possible and the anxiety that comes with it (and then the next to do list)? Alternatively, are you procrastinating or going through a period with less access to momentum?

Just like as above so below, as within, so without. It’s important to note that this can also come from imbalancne in the body. If you’ve heard me speak about Five Elements Organ Theory in the past it can create a bit of a feedback loop. When you worry too much you can create imbalance in your Earth element (stomach/spleen) and have trouble concretizing your desires on the Earth plane. If you are running fear programs you can create imbalance in your Kidneys and affect your access to willpower (I have a workshop on this one). In turn, the more imbalanced your kidneys become, the less access to willpower you have. The Liver + Gallbladder (the Wood element) is tied to our adaptability and the clarity to take the correct actions. I could go on. So bringing balance to our body, also brings balance to our external world. Lots of somatic support for this through the meridians + fascia inside membership.

an exercise

If you are dealing with procrastination, first you need to figure out what the root is FOR YOU! Do some chart/bodygraph spelunking as well as some honest inventory. One of my favorite journaling exercises is what I like to call ‘But, Why’. You essentially keep asking yourself why until you get to the core root.

Why am I procrastinating? Why am I avoiding or resisting this task? What about it am I dreading? Free write and see what comes up. Then ask yourself why again. Think of it like a kid who asks their parent a question and they give them an answer. To which they respond, “but why”. And to that answer they reply, “but why”. And so on. You get the point. ;)

Why that resistance/fear/annoyance. Keep asking yourself until you’ve gotten to the root of the reason - it could be a fear, a trauma response, a limiting belief, shame, future predicting, etc… That’s what requires attention and intention. This piece may need some reprogramming.

Then ask yourself what might happen if you complete the task?

If it is in alignment with your Strategy + Authority… is there anything you can do to make the task more enjoyable?

Can you get some help with doing it or would it help to have an accountability buddy or guide/coach? Alternatively can you delegate some or all of this task?

What bite sized action can you take to move you in the right direction + begin?

Break tasks down into manageable bites and set goals + deadlines. Then do what you say you are going to do. Keeping our word to ourselves (and others) is oh so important. Build back your trust with yourself that you will show up by showing up to actions that feel attainable.

Some tools for your toolbox

  • Are you entering into the correct tasks? Following your Strategy + Authority? Are the actions you are taking in alignment with your Design, with Soul alignment, or coming from Not Self (the mind’s ‘should-ing’, hustle culture, conditioning, fear, scarcity, etc…)?

  • Are you comparing or trying to do it everyone else’s way instead of tapping in to your own unique Sacred Success Codes?

  • Are you trying to force ‘consistency’ or rigid routine when you’re not actually wired that way?

  • Do one thing you’ve been putting off. Like scheduling that appointment, getting something that’s been annoying you fixed, or having that tough conversation (maybe publicly for my open Solar Plexus friends).

  • Don’t use your chart as an excuse but as a manual for unpacking + alchemizing energetics + patterns

  • Intentionally tend to your enoughness and source it as an inside job, not as a result of your doing in the world.

  • Take an honest inventory of what needs reprogramming consciously when you dive into some of these prompts in your chart. How can you move from Shadow to Gift in these energies

  • Do the subconscious rewiring.

  • Find ways to tend to your nervous system through the archetypes of your Mercury.

  • Play in the No. 3 Vibrational Toolbox

  • Where are you meant to be motivated from based on your Design?

  • Utilize time blocks in your workday

  • Mars is a key player in your chart when it comes to taking action. What is your relationship to that energy consciously and unconsciously? How can you utilize it? Lean in to the high vibrations. Look at it from all the places inside membership: natal, core wound, EQ + ties to prosperity.

  • Look to your 6th House of the day to day to find ways to create ease rather than struggle (we are diving into this as part of Sacred Success Codes as well as support for nervous system regulation and capacity). There is a reason why Mars has its joy here in the 6th House.

  • A rewards system. Have one. I’m serious. We do not celebrate our wins enough. We are often looking for outside recognition. Give it to yourself. If you’re having a particularly hard time getting something done then set yourself up with some juicy rewards when tasks are completed or you have taken certain actions.

    You can also pair less than exciting tasks with a treat or something you love that lights you up. You will often hear from Human Design experts to not do it if it doesn’t light you up. This is just not realistic for everything. We all have to adult. And life includes tasks that don’t excite us. We can always look for even the smallest seed within that we can connect excitement, satisfaction, peace, gratitude, etc… to AND recognize that some things in life will light us up less than others so pair it with something you do enjoy when possible.

    These are just SOME possibilities for where and how procrastination might show up, always remembering that you are far more than the sum of your parts. Your chart is a living breathing evolving expression of your wholeness + should be viewed that way. ❤️

+ you’ll get access to your free energy type workshop in your first Nourish

amanda barnett