Navigating the collective

Artwork: Unknown

Hello! i’m so happpy you’re here!

How to work with The Collective. We’re all different when it comes to our needs, how we explore self stewardship and how we hold ourselves accountable. Know yourself and what you need. There are many ways you can use The Collective, options below. It is setup to choose your own adventure, you can also choose a focal point around the now or your now to work with the energy you’re in or most need at this time. My number one go to is beginning with Profections and pulling threads from there unless you just want to take a more linear journey through your Design or have something specific you want to learn or dive into, which is also great. Please watch the welcome video at the top of the homepage + video below.

Don’t have a copy of your chart yet? Find out where to get it and how to read it.

In addition to Profections, Clarity can be a good place to start at the beginning of every month to get clear on your intentions for the month and the actions steps you’re going to take. This may help you decide which threads you want to pull.

Here are some other possibilities for ways to navigate through (+ guided video tours below):

Option one: you’re good on your own and you cherry pick what you want to work on in the moment. You grab a copy of your bodygraph and then decide where you want to focus. You like the robust nature of The Collective and the fact that you can keep bringing default settings, old patterns, limiting beliefs, shadows through the different resources available to you as you exlplore + learn about your unique Human Design.

You may find yourself working methodically through Comic Consciousness to get to know your chart or working backward from what you want to cultivate... For example; if you’re intention this month is to speak up for yourself/cultivate greater self expression then you get clear about what you want to create in your life and what is holding you back through Clarity; you bring whatever shadows you have around using your voice through the Decondition workshop (utilizing the Deconditioning exercises to clear; you explore your definition and lack there of through The Voices module and the Human Design Prompts, find resonant tools in the Throat Toolbox, explore your Mercury, etc.. You create your own program for your unique needs in the moment. And of course include some action steps outside of self inquiry work. Working with the Moon can help you clarify what actions are especially supported when.

Option two: you like to do it all and you begin at the beginning and then make your way through one prompt at a time, allowing yourself to linger on places of focus that resonate for however long you need. You circle back, knowing that each time you visit a portal or module you will glean a new insight, heal a deeper layer. Maybe this means you start with Living Your Design and you work your way through methodically utilizing the supports in Decondition, the Vibrational Toolboxes and the Manifestation support as allies for areas that need a little extra intention and embodiment.

Option three: you need simplicity and you randomly select one thing a day to do, getting your self stewardship in where you can.

Option four: you like some structure with a bit of whimsy so you printout a Workshop Deck or a couple of decks and draw a card or cards each day for focus. Alternatively you could use your favorite tarot deck for guidance.

Option five: you use the energy of the now as an ally with the cosmic weather and what’s up for you this year/month/week as your guide, as you work in the Human Design toolbox each week picking what resonates. Maybe you make your way through all the options or just focus on one to do each day. Letting each one lead you to the next.

And/or incorporate the energy of your now, working with your unique cycles + weather (first category on the homepage).

There are endless ways you can go about it. And if you’ve got a way that works well for you, I’d love to hear. As we know, real change comes when we take manageable bites and commit to cumulative practice. So find the way(s) that works best for you each day or week.

Option six: Get an accountability buddy (especially if you have an open Will center) and work it together. Find something that will motivate you (like paying them 10$ every time you skip a week/day or rewarding yourself when you stay on track).

You can commit to as much or as little time as you like, knowing that putting in daily work is more beneficial than only doing it when you have what you consider the proper amount of time to dedicate. When it comes to the energetics of manifestations I do recommend you setting yourself up with a realistic plan and keeping your word. Keeping our word sends a very powerful message to the Universe that we mean business..

If you feel like you don't have time for your wellbeing I would challenge you to spend a few days accounting for your time. I notice on even my busiest days, I seem to find time to get lost on my phone. And sometimes I catch myself, knowing that 5 minutes in silence just breathing, or checking in with a tool would be far more beneficial, other days I scroll on and don’t beat myself up about it. Sometimes we do need to zone out as well. I love a good Netflix binge or a Dodo video as much as the next. Other times we need to simply check in with our bodies and see if it needs sustenance or a nap. Intention is powerful + choice is a beautiful thing... and we always have it.

Some great places to begin:

Read the covenant

guide on pulling threads

+ choosing your next adventure


submit your questions for answers below

give support

Let me know what’s working + share your feedback so others can know what to expect from each of your very unique perspectives.